Organisation Universelle de Langue Internationale "Occidental"

Organisation Universelle de Langue Internationale "Occidental", "Occidental-Union" - World Organisation for an International Language, "Occidental-Union" - Organisation Universelle de Langue Internationale
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Founded: 1928
Sources: HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938


HB 1929: President of the Senate - vacant. The Central Office, the Senate and the Occidental-Academy. HB 1938: A Senate (Board of Management)



The organisation of development, propaganda and application of the international language "Occidental". (HB 1929) Favoriser le développement, la propagande et l'usage de la langue internationale «Occidental». (HB 1936) Development, propaganda and application of the international language "Occidental " in all spheres. (HB 1938)


Membership subscriptions. (HB 1929) Contributions des membres et souscriptions. (HB 1936) Contributions of members and donations. There are active members (five francs), patrons (10-49 francs), maecenas (50 francs), and life members (one payment of 500 francs). (HB 1938)

General facts

The International language, "Occidental", was created, or rather launched, in 1922 by Professor Edgar de Wahl (Tallinn, Estonia), when the League of Nations was studying the question of an international language. It is the result of over forty years' research and experiment. It is the quintessence of Western national languages, but it is both regular and natural. Propaganda on its behalf was undertaken until 1926 through the review "Kosmoglott", published by the author. In 1926, Austrian engineers gave a new impetus to the review, which was renamed "Cosmoglotta", and founded Occiden-tal-Union. Since 1936, Occidental-Union has had its seat in Switzerland. (HB 1938)


Cosmoglotta (mensuelle)/Cosmoglotta (monthly) (HB 1929) Cosmoglotta (fortnightly) and Cosmogbtta-informaiiones (quarterly). Editorial Committee: Professor E. de Wahl (Tallin, Estonia); Dr. Bertil Blom£ (Kristi-nehamm, Sweden); Professor H. Pasma (Tabor, Czechoslovakia); Dr. H. Nidecker (Basle, Switzerland). Editorial Address and Administration: Institute Occidental, Chapelle (Vaud), Switzerland. (HB 1938)


Investigation of the interlinguistic problem ; international standardisation, conferences and congresses ; lectures and courses of study. (HB 1929) Etude du problème interlinguistique; normalisation internationale; congrès et conférences; cours d'études. (HB 1936) Study of the linguistic and interlinguistic problem; development of "Occidental " ; formation of regional or special organisations lor the purpose of spreading the language; organisation of talks, conferences and congresses; publication of study material, reviews, books, gramophone records, propaganda films; Press information ser-vice; translation and revision service; issue of certificates to teachers of "Occidental" and of certificates of ability. (HB 1938)
