Geneva Research Centre
Founded: 1920
HB 1938
The members, as mentioned, and known as "Governing Board".
(1) To advance the knowledge and understanding of international relations, notably the sciences of international politics, economics and jurisprudence, and to promote the study and classification of the materials pertaining thereto;
(2) To encourage and facilitate the exchange of information, knowledge and thought on international affairs and the understanding of the conditions and views of states and peoples;
(3) To facilitate the publication and dissemination of literature pertaining to these subjects.
General facts
Founded 1920 by American committee, to issue information on League activities; in 1930 became research centre, publishing Geneva and Special Studies re-organised in 1936, Governing Board broadened by addition of personalities from six countries.
VOL. I (1930): *No. 1. The First Conference for the Codification of International Law; *No, 2. The Movement to Unify the Laws regarding Bills of Exchanges and Checks; *No. 3. The Palestine Mandate; *No. 4. American Co-operation with the League of Nations; No. 5. International Aerial Navigation ; *No. 6. The Assembly of the League of Nations ; No. 7. The Palestine Mandate (Revised) ; No. 8. Permanent Delegations to the League of Nations, by Pitman B. Potter; No. 9. The Covenant and the
VOL. II (1931): *No. 1. The United States and the League of Nations during 1930 ; No. 2. The League and Concerted Economic Action, by E. M. Winslow; *No. 3. Unemployment as an International Problem, by T. G. Spates; No. 4. The Suppression of Slavery ; •No. 5. Agriculture as a World Problem; No. 6. European Union and the League of Nations by A. W. Cordier, Ph. D.; No. 7. American Co-operation with the League of Nations,.
1919-1931 (Revised); No. 8. International Labor Standards and American Legislation, by Alice S. Cheyney, Ph. D.: No. 9. The Protection of Minorities by the League of Nations, by H. B. Calderwood, Ph. D.; No. 10. The League and Manchuria, First Phase (September i8th-30th, 1931); No. 11. The League and Manchuria, Second Phase (October ist-24th,
1931) No. 12. The League and Manchuria, Third Phase (October 25th-December 31st,
) )
VOL. Ill (1932): No. 1. The United States and the League of Nations during 1931; *No. 2. Sanctions and Security, by Pitman B. Potter; No. 3. International Planning of Public Works, by T. G. Spates (A Factor in the Regularisation of Economic Relationships) ; No. 4. Disarmament and Equality, by Clarence A. Berdahl; No. 5. The League and Shanghai, Fourth Phase (January ist-April 30th, 1932); No. 6. The League and Economic Reconstruction, by C. C. Mclvor; No. 7. International Research in Geneva; No. 8. The First Stage in Disarmament. A Commentary on the Continuing Programme of the Conference; No. 9. The Revision of Treaties, by Pitman B. Potter; No. 10. The League and the Lytton Report, Fifth Phase (May ist-December 31st, 1932); No. 11. Councils against War. A Comparison of Cases in Third-Party Dealing with Disputes between Nations, by Malcolm W. Davis ; No. 12. The United States and the League of Nations during 1932.
VOL. IV (1933): No. 1. The Draft Disarmament Convention. A Synthesis of Conference Decisions ; No. 2. Problems of the World Economic Conference, by Leo Pasvolsky; No. 3. The United States and the League of Nations during 1933.
VOL. V. (1934): No. 1. The Soviet Union and the League of Nations, 1919-1933, by Kathryn W. Davis; *No, 2. The Chaco Dispute. The Development and Phases of the Bolivia-Paraguay Conflict and League Intervention by Russell Cooper and Mary D. Mattison; No. 3. The League and "Manchukuo ", Sixth Phase (January 1st, 1933-August 1st, 1934); No. 4. Duties of Non-Recognition in Practice, 1775-1934, by Roland Hall Sharp; No. 5. The Chaco Arms Embargo. Developments to September 1934, by Mary D. Mattison; No. 6. The League of Nations and other International Organisations, by Pitman B. Potter; No. 7-8. Reform of the League of Nations. Changes in the League, Past and Proposed, by George Kidd, with an Introduction by Quincy Wright; No. 9. The Munitions Industry. An analysis of the U.S. Senate Investigation, September 4th-2ist, X9347 No. 10. The United States and the League of Nations during 1934.
VOL. VI (1935): No. 1. International Administration of Narcotic Drugs, 1928-1934, by Helen H. Moorhead; No. 2. The Ratification of League Conventions, by Francis 0. Wilcox; No. 3. The Suez Canal and League Sanctions, by Raymond L. Buell; No. 4. The Italian-Ethiopian Dispute (Background), by William Koren, Jr.; No. 5. The International Problem of Refugees, by Norman Bentwich; No. 6. American Neutrality and Collective Security, by-Raymond Leslie Buell; No. 7. The 16th Assembly of the League of Nations, by Helen P. Kirkpatrick; No. 8. The League and the Italian-Ethiopian Dispute. (August 2nd-September 10th), by Vera M. Dean; No. 9. The Social Services of the League of Nations, by Pitman B. Potter; No. 10. The United States and World Organisation during 1935.
VOL. VII (1936): No. 1. Public Opinion and the Italo-Ethiopian Dispute, by Helen Hiett; No. 2. The Quest for Ethiopian Peace, by Vera M. Dean; No. 3. Nazi Pressure in Danzig, by Mildred S. Wertheimer; No. 4. The Chaco Dispute, the League and Pan-Americanism, by Helen Paull Kirkpatrick; No. 5. The International Distribution of Raw Materials, by John C. de Wilde; No. 6. The Montreux Straits Convention, by Helen Paull Kirkpatrick; No. 7. Reform of the League, by Pitman B. Potter; No..8. European Diplomacy in the Spanish Crisis, by Vera Micheles Dean; No. 9. The United States and World Organisation during 1936; No. 10. The Re-organisation of the Geneva Research Centre, by John B. Whitton.
Research studies on international problems. Fellowships granted for this purpose to scholars brought to Geneva. Hostel for its fellows and visiting professors or students. Publication of special studies on international affairs. Conferences on world problems. Centre of information and liaison in connection with other research organisations.