International Committee to Secure Employment for Refugee Professional Workers
International Committee to Secure Employment for Refugee Professional Workers, Le Comité International pour le Placement des Intellectuels Émigrés
Founded: 1933
HB 1938
Liaison Officers in Paris and London; representation for Latin America.
To assist in securing employment for persons engaged in the liberal professions (scholars, teachers, doctors, barrristers, men of letters, etc.) who have been obliged to cease practising their calling in their own countries, without distinction of sex, nationality, religion, race or opinion.
Sources of income: contributions from private persons, organisations and committees; proceeds from lectures and concerts organised on behalf of the Committee; contributions from refugees who have been placed by the Committee; receipts from special undertakings, such as an issue of stamps, publication of book, etc. Total contributions covering the first three years of its activity, 231,078 Swiss francs. Expenditure approximately 265,271.40 Swiss francs.