International Federation of Christian Workers in the Building Trade and of Woodworkers
International Federation of Christian Workers in the Building Trade and of Woodworkers, Internationaler Bund der Christlichen Bau- und Holzarbeiter-Gewerkschaften, Fédération Internationale des Ouvriers du Batiment et du Bois
Founded: 1937
HB 1938
Relationships with other Organisations
Members in these countries
To protect the interests of Christian workers in the building trade and of woodworkers, especially as regards the International Labour Organisation, in accordance with Christian principles; to defend the interests of affiliated organisations; to make propaganda in support of the organisation of Christian workers in the building trade and woodworkers in countries where such organisation does not as yet exist; to facilitate reciprocal financial support between affiliated organisations, should the need arise. Members: 120000.
Organisations in the following countries:
To protect the interests of Christian workers in the building trade and of woodworkers, especially as regards the International Labour Organisation, in accordance with Christian principles; to defend the interests of affiliated organisations; to make propaganda in support of the organisation of Christian workers in the building trade and woodworkers in countries where such organisation does not as yet exist; to facilitate reciprocal financial support between affiliated organisations, should the need arise.
Members' contributions.
General facts
The Federation was founded at the congress of representatives of the Christian Internationale of Workers in the Building Trade and the Christian Internationale of Woodworkers which took place in Paris on September 10th, 1937, and at which it was decided to amalgamate the two Internationales and to found the International Federation of Christian Workers in the Building Trade and of Woodworkers.
The discussion at international congresses of questions concerning workers in the building trade and woodworkers ; studies of the position of workers in the building trade and of woodworkers and their organisations in the different countries; the preparation of agreements between workers in the building trade and woodworkers' organisations in various countries and the settlement of any differences which may arise between those organisations by means of conciliation.