The Toyo Bunko (The Oriental Library)

The Toyo Bunko (The Oriental Library), 東洋文庫
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Founded: 19/11/1924




To collect books concerning the Orient, and to offer them to scholars for perusal; to hold lecture-meetings and exhibitions; to publish worthy books on Orientalism; and to contribute toward the advance and diffusion of Oriental studies.


1. To collect books in European languages on countries of the Orient, focussing special attention on China; and to collect books in the Chinese, Mongolian, Manchurian, and Tibetan languages, offering them for use by students doing research work. 2.Publications: 1. "Toyo Bunko Ronso (Japanese, Chinese and European languages). 2. "Toyo Bunko Sokan" (Japanese, Chinese and European languages). 3. Memoirs of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko (Oriental Library), (English, French, and German). 4. Pamphlets, (ditto) 3. 1. Establishment of chairs on Oriental Studies. 2. Holding of public lectures in spring and autumn. 4. Provision of study and research facilities and assistance. 5. All works necessary to carry out the object of the Library.
