American Institute of Comparative Law and Legislation

American Institute of Comparative Law and Legislation, Institut Américain de Droit et de Législation Comparés
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Founded: 19/8/1930
Sources: HB 1931, HB 1936, HB 1938




To study and solve the problem of the international unification of private law, with special reference to American law, and to promote and draw attention to the reforms most appropriate to the present state of society. (HB 1931) Etudier et résoudre le problème de l'unification internationale du droit privé, spécialement par rapport au droit américain, appuyer les réformes les mieux appropriées à l'état actuel de la société et attirer l'attention à leur sujet. (HB 1936) Unification and reform of all branches of law in the light of the doctrines, legislation and legal practice of the most advanced nations, and with a view to the fcaxning of legislative texts suitable for international application (HB 1938).


Budget: 1,200 Swiss francs. Sources of income: Members' subscriptions, sales of publications. Annual expenditure: Varies from 1,000 to 5,000 Swiss francs (HB 1938).


Monthly bulletin, "Biblioteca del Instituto Americano de Derecho l de Legislación comparada, Estudios y Documentos Three series of "Studies and Documents". Spanish Series: "Código civil panamericano", with introduction by A. de Bustamente; "Bases para un Código Penal"; "Filosofia del derecho"; "Declaration de los Derechos de la mujer"; "Constitution tipica para Mexico" ; "Código international de la Paz y de la guerra", with introduction by A. de Bustamente. French Series: "Code international du travail intellectuel"; "Code international du travail"; "Le droit compare"; "Solution pacifique des conflits internationaux"; "Les droits internationaux de l'homme", and a "Code penal international" of 1,256 articles is to be issued shortly. English Series: "International Code of Aviation". Publications giving further particulars: "Editorial cultura"; "The scientific work of F. Corentini"; Philosophy, sociology, jurisprudence. "Comparative Law", Mexico 193?, v. pp. 15, post. (HB 1938)
