International Union for Social Studies (Mechlin Union)

International Union for Social Studies (Mechlin Union), Union Internationale d'Études Sociales (Union de Malines)
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Founded: 1920
Sources: HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938




HB 1929: To study social problems in the light of Catholic moral conceptions and to acquaint the public, especially the working-classes, with principles and resolutions discussed and approved by the Union. HB 1936: Etudier les questions sociales à la lumière des conceptions morales catholiques, et familiariser le public, notamment les classes ouvrières, avec les principes et les résolutions discutés et approuvés par l'Union. HB 1938: To study social problems in the light of catholic moral conceptions and to acquaint the public, especially the working-classes, with the principles and resolutions discussed and approved by the Union.


HB 1929: Members' subscriptions form the sole source of income. Annual expenditure, 1,000 Belgian francs. HB 1936: Les cotisations des membres constituent les seules sources de revenus. Dépenses annuelles: 1.000 francs belges. HB 1938: Members' subscriptions form the sole source of income. Annual expenditure, 1,000 Belgian francs.


HB 1938: Social Code, second edition 1934. L a Hierarchie catholique et le Problème social, 1931- In preparation: (1) Code of international morality (Code de morale internationale) (2) Selection of corporative texts from catholic writers of the XIXth Century (Choix de textes corporatifs extraits des ecrivains catholiques du XIX siècle).


HB 1929: Annual sessions, publication of the Code Social, etc. HB 1936: Sessions annuelles, publication du Code social, 2me édition 1934; « La Hiérarchie catholique et le Problème social, 1931 ». HB 1938: Annual sessions.
