International Bobsleighing and Tobogganing Federation

International Bobsleighing and Tobogganing Federation , Fédération Internationale de Bobsleigh et de Tobogganing
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Founded: 1923
Sources: HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938


Le Comité international, composé d'un délégué par pays affilié; le Comité exécutif : (HB 1936) The International Committee, composed of one delegate from each affiliated country. Vice-Chairmen: one delegate from Switzerland, Germany and the United States of America. (HB 1938)


Members in these countries

The following countries are affiliated:
Argentina (1929-1936) , Austria (since 1929) , Belgium (since 1929) , Canada (since 1929) , Czechoslovakia (since 1929) , France (since 1929) , Germany (since 1929) , Irish Free State (since 1929) , Italy (since 1929) , Liechtenstein (since 1938) , Luxembourg (since 1929) , Netherlands (since 1929) , Poland (since 1929) , Romania (since 1929) , Spain (since 1938) , Spain (1929-1936) , Switzerland (since 1929) , United Kingdom (since 1929) , United States of America (since 1929) ,


To develop the sport of tobogganing in all its branches. (HB 1929) Développement des sports de bobsleigh et tobogganing. (HB 1936)


Sources of income: entrance fees for races and contributions from affiliated countries. Annual expenditure: office expenses and competition prizes. (HB 1929) Recettes : cotisations; dépenses : coupes et prix. (HB 1936) Receipts: contributions; expenses: cups and prizes. (HB 1938)


Annual congress. (HB 1929) Congrès annuel au moment des championnats du monde. Deux championnats du monde par an : un de bob à quatre, un de bob à deux. (HB 1936) Annual congress at the time of the championship of the world. Two world championships per annum; one four-bobsleigh, one two-bobsleigh. (HB 1938)
