International Committee for Georgia

International Committee for Georgia, Comité International pour la Géorgie
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Founded: 1924
Sources: HB 1925, HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938



Members in these countries

Membres en pays suivants.
Belgium (since 1925) , Canada (since 1929) , Czechoslovakia (since 1925) , France (since 1925) , Germany (since 1925) , Italy (since 1925) , Netherlands (since 1925) , Poland (since 1925) , Romania (since 1925) , Switzerland (since 1925) , United Kingdom (since 1925) , United States of America (since 1925) ,


Défendre le droit de disposer d'elle-même de la nation géorgienne. HB 1929: To procure the right of self-determination for the Georgian nation. HB 1938: To defend the right of the Georgian nation to self-determination.


Cotisations des membres (minimum, 2 francs par an) et dons HB 1929: Members' subscriptions (minimum, 5 francs per annum), and donations. HB 1938: Members' subscriptions (minimum, 5 francs per annum) and donations.

General facts

Formé à Genève de représentants de toutes nationalités et de tous partis politiques, le Comité est déjà intervenu auprès de divers gouvernements pour la défense de la cause géorgienne. Il travaille actuellement à la formation de comités en divers pays. HB 1929: The Committee was formed at Geneva of representatives of different nationalities and political parties. It has already made representations to various Governments in the defence of the Georgian cause and has promoted the formation of committees in various countries. HB 1938: The Committee was formed at Geneva of representatives of different nationalities and political parties. It has, on several occasions, made representations to the Press and to various Governments in defence of the Georgian cause.


Conférences publiques sur la question géorgienne; communiqués dans la presse internationale; démarches auprès de divers gouvernements. HB 1929: Public conferences on the Georgian question; international Press communiqués; representations to the various Governments. HB 1938: Public conferences on the Georgian question; international Press com-muniquds; representations to various Governments.
