The Jewish Agency for Palestine and Zionist Organisation
The Jewish Agency for Palestine and Zionist Organisation, Agence Juive pour la Palestine et Organisation Sioniste , Jewish Agency for Palestine (World Zionist Organisation), Agence juive pour la Palestine (Organisation Sioniste Mondiale)
Founded: 1897
HB 1936, HB 1938
L'Agence juive est administrée par un Conseil de 224 membres dont mie moitié représente les collectivités juives des principaux pays du monde et l'autre moitié, l'organisation sioniste, qui est elle-même une fédération de sociétés sionistes de divers pays. Le Conseil se réunit tous les deux ans à la suite des sessions du Congrès sioniste mondial. Dans l'intervalle entre ces réunions, les affaires de l'Agence sont confiées à un Comité administratif de quarante membres (dont une moitié représente les diverses collectivités juives et l'autre moitié, l'Organisation sioniste) et à un Comité exécutif de douze membres chargé de l'expédition des affaires courantes de l'Agence à Londres et à Jérusalem.
HB 1938:
The supreme body of the World Zionist Organisation is the Zionist Congress, which holds its ordinary sessions once every two years. The Congress elects a Committee of Action consisting of about sixty delegates, and an Executive Committee. The Committee of Action carries out the same functions of supervision and control as the Congress, during the intervals between the latter' s meetings. It meets every six months. The Executiv Committee, elected by the Congress, deals with current affairs, political negotiations, and general activities connected with colonisation in Palestine, organisation and Zionist propaganda.
The bodies of which the Jewish Agency for Palestine consists are the following:
(1) The General Council, which, like the Zionist Congress, meets every two years. It is composed of an equal number of representatives of the Zionist organisation and of "non-Zionist" representatives from different countries.
(2) The Administrative Committee, consisting of twenty Zionist members and twenty "non-Zionist" members ; and
(3) The Executive Committee, which consists ofthe members of the Executive Com mittee of the Zionist Organisation together with two or three "non- Zionist" representatives.
The President of the Zionist Organisation and of the Jewish Agency (the same person always occupies both these offices)
David Ben-Gurion
: HB 1938:
The Executive Committee of the Jewish Agency, elected at the last meeting of the Zionist Congress and the Council of the Jewish Agency (held at Lucerne in August 1935), is composed as follows:
Prof. S. Brodetzky
: HB 1938: Director of the Political Bureau; London
Rabbi I. L. Fischmann
: HB 1938: in Jerusalem
Dr. Nahum Goldmann
: HB 1938: Delegate of the Jewish Agency to the League of Nations; Geneva
I. Grünbaum
: HB 1938: Director of the Department of Labour; Jerusalem
Dr. M. B. Hexter
: HB 1938: in Jerusalem
E. Kaplan
: HB 1938:
in Jerusalem
Dr. F. Rotenstreich
: HB 1938:
Director of the Department of Commerce and Industry; Jerusalem
Dr. W. D. Senator
: HB 1938:
Director of the Immigration Department; Jerusalem
M. Shertok
: HB 1938:
Director of the Political Department; Jerusalem
Nahum Sokolow
Prof. Chaim Weizmann
: HB 1938:
The President of the Zionist Organisation and of the Jewish Agency (the same person always occupies both these offices)
77, Great Russell Street: London: United Kingdom
HB 1938: The office in London (77, Great Russell Street, W.C.I.) under the direction of a member of the Executive Committee, is in charge of current matters arising between the mandatory Government and the Jewish Agency.
King George Avenue: Jerusalem
HB 1938: The seat of the Executive Committee of the Jewish Agency for Palestine (and of the World Zionist Organisation, which is incorporated with it), is in Jerusalem.
95, rue de Lausanne: Geneva : Switzerland
HB 1938: A Permanent League of Nations, Office of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, which has existed since June 1925 in Geneva (95, rue de Lausanne, tel. 27,185) is in constant touch with the various services of the Secretariat of the League of Nations and of the International labour Office, and with the representatives of the various Governments.
17, rue de la Bienfaisance: Paris: France
HB 1938: An office of the Jewish agency in Paris (17, rue de la Bienfaisance) keeps in touch with the French Government.
Relationships with other Organisations
Basel: Switzerland
Lucerne: Switzerland
HB 1938: comprised 463 Jewish delegates from all over the world
Basel: Switzerland
HB 1938: ". It was owing to the efforts of Herzl that the first Zionist Congress was held at Basle, on August 27th, 1897, attended by 206 delegates from all over the world.
HB 1936: Créer pour le peuple juif en Palestine un foyer garanti par le droit public.
HB 1938: The object of the Jewish Agency for Palestine is the creation of a National Home for the Jewish people in Palestine, guaranteed by public law.
HB 1936: Les organes financiers de l'Agence juive sont la Caisse de fondation de la Palestine (Keren Hayesod) et le Fonds national juif (Keren Keyemeth Leisrael), qui reçoivent des contributions et des dons de particuliers juifs et d'organisations juives du monde entier. L'Agence est également affiliée à la Banque anglo-palestinienne (Londres et Jérusalem), à la fondation de laquelle elle a largement contribué. Les dépenses des institutions sionistes en Palestine pour l'exercice se terminant le 30 septembre 1934 se sont élevées à £650.000. La cotisation des membres de l'Organisation sioniste a pour base le shekel, dont le prix est fixé d'année en année dans chaque pays par le Comité exécutif sioniste local.
HB 1938:
The administrative budget of the Zionist Organisation is covered by fixed annual contributions. The two principal financial instruments of the Jewish Agency for its work in Palestine are the Keren Hayesssod (Reconstruction Fund) and the Keren Kayemet Leisrael (Jewish National Fund). The first is employed to support the work of colonisation and the second for purchasing land in Palestine. There are also other institutions which take an active part in the reconstruction of the Jewish National Home, such as the Palestine Jewish Colonisation Association, the Palestine Economic Corporation, etc.
General facts
HB 1938:
The movement which bears the name of Zionism aims at the restoration of the Jewish National Home in Palestine. This movement, which has taken various forms during the last two thousand years, since the exile of the Jewish people from the land of their forefathers, took the form of an organised political movement with the appearance of Theodore Herzl. Theodore Herzl first put forward his ideas on the subject of a radical solution of the Jewish problem in his work "The Jewish State". It was owing to the efforts of Herzl that the first Zionist Congress was held at Basle, on August 27th, 1897, attended by 206 delegates from all over the world. The Congress adopted as the programme of the new movement, and as the aim of its organisation, the following mot d'ordre; The aim of Zionism is to create for the Jewish people a National Home in Palestine, guaranteed by public law.
HB 1936: Publications officielles : Ha'olam (hebdomadaire en hébreu, Londres) ; The New Judea (Revue mensuelle en anglais, à Londres) ; Mémoire annuel pour la Commission permanente des mandats (Publication annuelle en anglais, en français et en hébreu, Londres) ; Rapports biennaux du Comité exécutif au Congrès sioniste et au Conseil de l'Agence juive (publication biennale en anglais et en hébreu, Londres).
Autres publications contenant des renseignements sur l'organisation : Les mémoires annuels à la Commission permanente des mandats contiennent un rapport sur les travaux de l'Agence juive en Palestine pour les douze mois précédents. Le rapport pour 1930 contient également le texte de la constitution de l'Agence juive, fixé à la réunion constitutionnelle de Zurich, en août 1929.
HB 1938:
Haolam, a weekly publication in Hebrew, published in Jerusalem (P.O.B. 92.); The New Judaa (monthly) published in London (77, Great Russell Street, W.C.I.); Informations de Palestine published every two months in Geneva (95, rue de Lausanne); resolutions and minutes of Congresses, numerous pamphlets, memoranda, etc
HB 1938:
The 19th Zionist Congress and Council of the Jewish Agency for Palestine were held at Lucerne from August 20th to September 6th, 1935, and comprised 463 Jewish delegates from all over the world. The twentieth session of the Zionist Congress and the Council of the Jewish Agency for Palestine were held in August 1937.