Co-ordinating Committee of the Major International Associations

Co-ordinating Committee of the Major International Associations, Comité d'Entente des Grandes Associations Internationales, Liaison Committee of Major International Associations, Joint Committee of the Major International Associations
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Founded: 1925
Sources: HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938


  • Mgr. Beaupin President 1936
  • Bouglé Member of the Executive Committee (Member of a Committee) 1936
  • Butts Member of the Executive Committee (Member of a Committee) 1936
  • Cassou Member of the Executive Committee (Member of a Committee) 1936-1938
  • Malcolm Davis Member of the Executive Committee (Member of a Committee) 1938
  • Dreyfus-Barney Member of the Executive Committee (Member of a Committee) 1936 : Life member
  • Theodora George Secretary 1929-1936
  • Guerin-Desjardins Member of the Executive Committee (Member of a Committee) 1938
  • Mahlon Harvey Member of the Executive Committee (Member of a Committee) 1938
  • Liard Secretary General 1936
  • Georges Milsom Member of the Executive Committee (Member of a Committee) 1936-1938 / Vice President 1938
  • van Veen Member of the Executive Committee (Member of a Committee) 1936
  • André Waltz President 1929-1936
  • Z. F. Willis Vice President 1936


Relationships with other Organisations


To furnish a point of contact for those of the great international associations which are interested in the education of children and young people in international understanding and world friendship. (HB 1929) A été créé pour travailler à la coopération internationale et à la paix par la formation de l'opinion publique et plus particulièrement de la jeunesse. (HB 1936) To work for international co-operation and peace by the formation of public opinion, more especially among young people. (HB 1938)


Secrétariat assuré par l'Institut international de Coopération intellectuelle. (HB 1936) Secretariat provided for by the International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation. (HB 1938)


Annuellement, deux assemblées plénières et quatre réunions de la Commission executive, prévues au Règlement intérieur. (HB 1936) Two Plenary Assemblies and four meetings of the Executive Committee annually, as provided by the Internal Regulations. (HB 1938)
