Marianne Goldschild

Mark for connection search
1895-9-27 27/9/1895 (in Paris: France )

Nationality: French

Roles in Organisations

  • LoN Pool : LoN Shorthand Typist (LoN Second Division) (15/2/1926-10/5/1926)   
  • LoN Précis-Writing Department : LoN Verbatim Reporter (LoN Second Division) (11/5/1926-31/1/1940)    LoN Verbatim Reporter (LoN Second Division) (4/4/1946-18/4/1946)   


  • Paris: France
  • Paris: France (Stenographer and later Chief of Secretariat; firm of electrical engineers )
  • Paris: France -1926 (13 years during 4 of which part time Secretary to honorary professor of University of Paris; experience in Verbatim Reporting)