Barcelona: Spain
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People from this place
Marquis Mariano de Foronda
International Union of Tramways, Local Railways and Public Motor Transport (Member) / International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (President of the Committee)
Prof. F. Maspons I Anglasell
Congress of Organised Ethnical Minorities (Nationalities) in European Countries (Vice Chairman)
Felix Vejarano
LoN Intellectual Cooperation and International Bureaux Section (LoN Member of Section)
Tr. de P. Cornet
International Legal Translation Bureau (Member)
Prof. Asmara
International Spiritualists' Federation (President)
Ethel Willox Adie
LoN Transit Conference at Barcelona (LoN Shorthand Typist) / LoN League of Nations (League of Nations staff)
L. Graham-Seatoun
LoN Pool (LoN Shorthand Typist) / LoN Pool (LoN Shorthand Typist) / LoN Pool (LoN Shorthand Typist)
H. de Régny Irving
LoN Transit Conference at Barcelona (LoN Translator)
International Bureau of Catholic Journalists (Member of a Council)
Joseph Navarro
LoN Printing & Publishing Department (LoN Proof-Reader) / LoN Information Section (LoN Clerk)
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Organisations from this place
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