Fribourg: Switzerland
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People from this place
Prof. Georges Gariel
Catholic Union of International Study (Secretary General) / United International Bureaux of Industrial, Literary and Artistic Property (Vice Director) / Catholic Union of International Study (Vice President)
Prof. Dr. P. Wagner
International Society of Musicology (Chairman)
Dr. Otto Iserland
LoN Information Section (LoN Temporary Collaborator)
Prof. Hubert Savoy
International Catholic Association of Girl's Friendly Societies (Director)
Baron Georges de Montenach
Catholic Union of International Study (President)
Prof. Gonzague de Reynold
International Educational Cinematographic Institute (Member of the Governing Body) / International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation (Member) / Federation of Intellectual Unions (Member of a Committee) / International Centre for Synthesis (General Secretary) / Catholic Union of International Study (International President) / International Educational Cinematographic Institute (Member of the Executive Committee) / International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation (Member of a Committee)
Dr. Joseph Piller
International Federation for the Promotion of the Teaching of Housewifery (Chairman)
C. Bonnabry
International Federation for the Promotion of the Teaching of Housewifery (Secretary)
Paul Joye
International Union of Producers and Distributors of Electric Power (Member of a Committee)
Walter Eberle
LoN Distribution of Documents (LoN Packer) / LoN Distribution of Documents (LoN Messenger) / LoN Distribution of Documents (LoN Messenger) / LoN Distribution of Documents (LoN Messenger) / LoN Auxiliary Staff (LoN Cleaner)
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Organisations from this place
Congresses in this place