Trieste: Italy
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People from this place
Dr. J. Wilfan
Congress of Organised Ethnical Minorities (Nationalities) in European Countries (Chairman)
Joseph Adamek
LoN Communications and Transit Section (LoN Member of Section) / LoN Department II (LoN Member of Section)
Guillaume Théodore Conrad Zwerner
LoN High Commission for Refugees (LoN Delegate of a Commission) / LoN High Commission for Refugees (LoN Delegate of a Commission) / Refugee Service of the ILO (League of Nations staff) / Refugee Service of the ILO (League of Nations staff) / International Labour Office (LoN Editor) / International Labour Office (LoN Delegate) / LoN Refugee Section (LoN Member of Section) / Nansen International Office for Refugees (League of Nations staff)
Maria Meyer
LoN Auxiliary Staff (LoN Cleaner)
Simon Spierer
LoN Auxiliary Staff (LoN Messenger)
Congresses in this place