Riga: Latvia
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People from this place
Dr. P. Schiemann
Congress of Organised Ethnical Minorities (Nationalities) in European Countries (Vice Chairman) / LoN General Assembly: Tenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate)
Dr. M. Nurock
Committee of Jewish Delegations and Executive Committee for the World Jewish Congress (Member of a Committee) / World Jewish Congress (Member of the Executive Committee)
Rabbi Nurok
HIAS-JCA Emigration Association HICEM. (Member of the Assembly)
Peter Welps
LoN Internal Control (LoN Member of Section) / LoN Saar Plebiscite Commission (LoN Member of Section)
Rudolf Wilde
LoN Information Section (LoN Temporary Collaborator)
Arnolds Skrebers
LoN Information Section (LoN Temporary Collaborator)
Dr. Wilhelm Ostwald
Association pour la Création d'un Bureau de la Langue Internationale (Vice President)
Janis Roze
Union for the International Language (IDO) (Secretary)
John Posomby Griffin
LoN Translation (LoN Translator) / LoN Translation (LoN Translator)
Molly Elisabeth Kupffer
LoN Under-Secretary-General's Office (LoN Senior Assistant)
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Organisations from this place
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