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Awni Khalidy
LoN Information Section (LoN Temporary Collaborator)
Muhyi el Din el Mumayiz
LoN Library (LoN Temporary Collaborator) / LoN Legal Section (LoN Temporary Collaborator) / LoN Registry (LoN Temporary Collaborator) / LoN Political Section (LoN Temporary Collaborator) / LoN Information Section (LoN Temporary Collaborator)
Sayid Raouf Al Chadirchi
LoN General Assembly: Nineteenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate)
Al Sayid Ata Amin
LoN General Assembly: Twentieth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate)
Muzahim Ameen al-Pachachi
LoN General Assembly: Special Session of the Assembly Convened in Virtue of Article 15 of the Covenant at the Request of the Chinese Government (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate)
Naji Al Asil
LoN General Assembly: Special Session of the Assembly Convened for the Purpose of Considering the Request of the Kingdom of Egypt for Admission to the League of Nations (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate)
al-Askari Ja'far Pasha
LoN General Assembly: Fifteenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate)
Yussuf S. Alkabir
LoN Information Section (LoN Temporary Collaborator)
Narsat el Farcy
LoN General Assembly: Eighteenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate)
Yassin al Hashimi
LoN General Assembly: Fourteenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate)
Complete List
Represented by
Has Members in these organisations
- International Office for Epizootics, Office International des Épizooties
- International Relief Union, Union Internationale de Secours
- International Conference for the Teaching of History, Conférence Internationale pour l'Enseignment de l'Histoire
- International Union of Telecommunications, Union Internationale des Télécommunications
- International Touring Association, Alliance Internationale de Tourisme
- League of Red Cross Societies, Ligue des Sociétés de la Croix-Rouge
- International Commission for Air Navigation, Commission Internationale de Navigation Aérienne (C.I.N.A.)
- International Bureau of Education, Bureau International d'Éducation
- World's Alliance of Young Men's Christian Associations, Alliance Universelle Des Unions Chrétiennes de Jeunes Gens
- Boy Scouts' International Bureau, Bureau International des Éclaireurs
Complete List