Milan: Italy
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People from this place
Prof. Luigi Mangiagalli
Congrès Périodiques de Gynécologie et d'Obstétrique (Member of a Committee)
G. Mylius
International Federation of Master Cotton Spinners' and Manufacturers Associations (Treasurer)
Prof. Giacomo Carrara
International Committee for the Publication of Annual Tables of Chemical, Physical, Biological and Technological Constants (Member of a Committee)
Guido Semenza
International Commission on Illumination (Vice President) / International Electrotechnical Commission (President) / International Conference of the Principal High Tension Electrical Systems (Honorary President)
Margherita Ancona
International Women Suffrage Alliance (Vice President)
Dr. Ernesto Vercesi
International Catholic Work IKA (President)
Eugenio Rignano
International Institute of Psychagogy and Psychotherapy (Member of a Honorary Committee)
Prof. Dr. Costantino Gorini
International Federation of Agricultural Brainworkers (Member of a Committee)
C. Canziani
International Catholic Film Bureau (I.C.F.B.) (Vice-President for Italy)
Piero Puricelli
International Fairs Union (President)
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