Vienna: Austria
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People from this place
Ludwig Maier
International Secretariat of Postal, Telegraphic and Telephonic Workers (Secretary)
Léon Steinig
World Union of Jewish Students (Secretary General) / International Student Service (Member of the Assembly) / International Labour Office (League of Nations staff) / LoN Social Questions and Opium Traffic Section (LoN Member of Section)
Prof. Stephan Meyer
International Commission on Radium Standards (Secretary)
Ernest Reitler
Association Internationale pour l'Essai des Matériaux (General Secretary)
His Excellency Constantin Dumba
Federal Committee of European Co-Operation (Vice President) / International Federation of League of Nations Societies (Vice President)
Heinrich Mataja
International Committee of Democratic Action for Peace (Member of a Committee)
Emmy Freundlich
International Co-Operative Women's Guild (President) / International Cooperative Women's Committee (President) / European Economic Union (Vice President)
Dr. H. Stigleitner
International Thrift Institute (Honorary Treasurer) / International Thrift Institute (Treasurer)
Stephan Karpeles-Schenker
International Federation of Forwarding Organisations (Vice President)
Dr. Otto Ryhenstroth
International Balthinum Union (Director)
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