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Maui Sanasan
LoN Treasury (LoN Member of Section)
Luang Bhadravadi
LoN General Assembly: Special Session of the Assembly Convened in Virtue of Article 15 of the Covenant at the Request of the Chinese Government (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Fourteenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Seventeenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Special Session of the Assembly Convened for the Purpose of Considering the Request of the Kingdom of Egypt for Admission to the League of Nations (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Eighteenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Nineteenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate)
Luang Biraj Bisdara
LoN General Assembly: Fourth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate)
Chune Charavastra
LoN General Assembly: Second Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate)
Prince Charoonsakdi Kritakara
LoN General Assembly: First Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Second Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Third Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Fourth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Fifth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Seventh Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Eighth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Ninth Ordinary Session of Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate)
Chuen Charuvastra
LoN General Assembly: Third Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate)
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