Rotterdam: Netherlands
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People from this place
Franciscus Lambertus Deodatus Nivard
Fédération Internationale des Syndicats Chrétiens de Cheminots (President) / International Federation of Christian Trade Unions of Railway and Tramway Men (President)
Dr. J. J. v. Dullemen
European Federation of Soroptimist Clubs (President)
Permanent International Commission of Editors of Catholic Newspapers (Member of a Committee)
Jan Tinbergen
LoN Financial Section & Economic Intelligence Service (LoN Expert/Specialist)
Tietse Pieter Sevensma
International Federation of Library Associations (Secretary General) / LoN Library (LoN Librarian)
Tjalling Koopmans
LoN Financial Section & Economic Intelligence Service (LoN Expert/Specialist)
Dr. G. G. Kullmann
International Student Service (Member of the Assembly) / LoN Intellectual Cooperation and International Bureaux Section (LoN Member of Section) / International Student Service (Member of the Assembly)
Cornelis Hendrik van der Leeuw
International Industrial Relations Associations (For the Study and Promotion of Satisfactory Human Relations and Conditions in Industry) (I.R.I) (President)
J. Z. Kannegieter
International Federation of Christian Trade Unions of Workers in the Food and Drink Trades (President)
Dr. A. Plate
International Committee of the European Economic and Customs Union (Permanent Delegate)
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Organisations from this place
Congresses in this place