Haute Savoie: France
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People from this place
Jeanne Olivier
LoN Information Section (LoN Clerk) / LoN Financial Section & Economic Intelligence Service (LoN Clerk)
Amélie Baud
LoN Pool (LoN Cleaner)
Emile Gallo
LoN Distribution of Documents (LoN Clerk)
Jeanne Antoinette Grillon
LoN Pool (LoN Stenographer)
Léone Descombes
LoN Pool (LoN Copyist)
Marie Henriette Schmitt
LoN Pool (LoN Shorthand Typist) / LoN Russian Refugees Section
(LoN Shorthand Typist) / LoN Pool (LoN Shorthand Typist) / LoN Library (LoN Clerk) / LoN Pool (LoN Shorthand Typist) / LoN Library (LoN Clerk) / LoN Pool (LoN Shorthand Typist) / LoN Minorities Section (LoN Shorthand Typist) / LoN Pool (LoN Shorthand Typist)
Paulette Besson
LoN General Assemblies Staff (LoN Shorthand Typist)
Edmond Sechaud
LoN Distribution of Documents (LoN Messenger) / LoN Distribution of Documents (LoN Clerk) / LoN Distribution of Documents (LoN Messenger) / LoN Distribution of Documents (LoN Clerk)
Inès Vuaridel
LoN Auxiliary Staff (LoN Cleaner)