LoN Transit Conference

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  • Jean-Baptiste Badin LoN Proof-Reader (LoN Second Division) 21/11/1927-3/12/1927 : Proof Reader on temporary contract with the Service des Impressions (during the Transit Conference)
  • Charles Watson Dawson LoN Verbatim Reporter (LoN Second Division) 23/8/1927-5/9/1927
  • Jean Paul Garnier-Coignet LoN Official (LoN First Division) 16/6/1921-11/3/1922 : To work in connection with the Publication of the records of the barcelona Conference and Publication of a general Report of the situation in regard to Transoort in the different countries of the world
  • Marie Hingre LoN Shorthand Typist (LoN Second Division) 5/11/1923-9/12/1923 : Probably till the end of the Conference.
  • Labonne LoN Verbatim Reporter (LoN Second Division) 15/11/1924-6/8/1925
  • Dr. Edmond Privat LoN Interpreter (LoN First Division) 10/3/1921 : French Interpreter, Transit Conference at Barcelona.
  • Pierre Sauvageot LoN Translator (LoN First Division) 31/10/1935-21/11/1935 : Translator & Précis-Writer. / LoN Translator (LoN First Division) 12/9/1938-30/9/1938 : Translator & Précis-Writer.
  • Doreen Swallow LoN Shorthand Typist (LoN Second Division) 5/3/1921-20/4/1921 : Shorthand-Typist, Transit Conference at Barcelona
  • Marcelle Vaudequin LoN Shorthand Typist (LoN Second Division) 10/3/1921-20/4/1921 : Shorthand-Typist for Transit Conference at Barcelona.
