League for the United States of Europe - Young Europe

League for the United States of Europe - Young Europe, Ligue pour les États-Unis d‘Europe – Jeune Europe
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Founded: 1933
Sources: HB 1936, HB 1938


Central Committee


Members in these countries

total, about 15,000 members
Austria (since 1933) , Belgium (since 1933) , France (since 1933) , Germany (since 1933) , Italy (since 1933) , Netherlands (since 1933) , Spain (since 1933) , Switzerland (since 1933) ,


HB 1936: Obtenir la réalisation d'une Confédération d'Etats européens et, avant tout, la réunion d'une Assemblée constituante, émanation directe et suprême des peuples, qui aura pour mission d'organiser cette Confédération. HB 1938: To bring about a Confederation of European States and, in the first place, to convene a constituent Assembly, as the direct and supreme representative of the peoples, for the purpose of organising the Confederation. Obtenir la réalisation d'une Confédération d'Etats européens et, avant tout, la réunion d'une Assemblée constituante, émanation directe et suprême des peuples, qui aura pour mission d'organiser cette Confédération.


Individual subscriptions


Official Publications (monthly): Belgium: Jeune Europe; France: Europe d'abord; Netherlands: Nieuw Europa; Switzerland: Europa-Union. Other Publications of the League: Published by "Jeune Europe ", Brussels: Europe d'alord! by H. Stark; Utopies, by S. Corvino. — Published by " Jung Europa ", Basle: Vaterland und Völkergemeinschaft, by Dr. Hans Bauer; Wir fordern Europa! by Hermann Aeppli. — Published by "Jeune Europe", Paris: Le memento de la conscience europeenne, by Robert Mangin. — Published by "Jeune Europe", Geneva: Les Etats fédérés d'Europe, etc.


HB 1936: Conférences, congrès, manifestations : La Journée de l'entente des peuples, à Bâle, etc. HB 1938: Conferences, congresses, demonstrations: The Day for International Understanding, at Basle, etc.
