Dr. Aristides Aquirre Sayago

Mark for connection search
1882 1882 (in Copiapó: Chile )

Nationality: Chilean
Médicin Lauréat du Prix Clinique, 1910; http://archivo.minrel.cl/webrree.nsf/bd2c91555b665fe483256679004803f4/04256a00005040228325681000358e55?OpenDocument

Roles in Organisations

  • LoN Health Section : LoN Member of Section (LoN First Division) (24/7/1925-31/8/1926)   


  • Copiapó: Chile
  • Santiago de Chile: Chile -1910 (Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Santiago)
  • Unspecified -1910 (Professor of Pharmacology,Health & Alimental Chemistry)
  • Unspecified 1910-24/7/1925 (Professor of Artistic Anatomy)
  • Chile 1910-24/7/1925 (Chilean Health Ministry (Statistics))
  • Chile 31/8/1926 (To make a study of the Public Health Service of his country & to prepare a report for the League of Nations to be included in the current series of sanitary surveys.)