Permanent Conference of International Professional Federations

Permanent Conference of International Professional Federations, Conférence Permanente des Fédérations Professionelles Internationales
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Founded: 1930
Sources: HB 1931, HB 1936, HB 1938




To form, as far as possible, a common front of all professional organisations and to submit, jointly and in a single form, all questions of common interest or of a similar character, to the official organs of the League of Nations. (HB 1931) Constituer, autant que possible, un front commun de toutes les organisations professionnelles et soumettre, de concert et sous une forme unique, toutes les questions d'intérêt commun ou de caractère analogue aux organes officiels de la Société des Nations. (HB 1936) To constitute, as far as possible, a united front of all professional organisations and to submit, jointly and in similar form, to the official organs of the League of Nations, questions of common interest or of an analogous character. (HB 1938)


Members subscriptions. (HB 1931) Contributions des membres. (HB 1936)
