International Co-Operative Wholesale Society
International Co-Operative Wholesale Society, Internationale Genossenschaftliche Grosseinkaufsgesellschaft, Magasin de Gros Coopératif International
Founded: 20/9/1924
HB 1925, HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938
Committee composed of one representative of each member and an Executive Committee of 9 persons elected by the Committee mentioned above.
HB 1936: A committee composed of one representative of each member; one executive commitee of 10 people elected by the Committee mentionned.
A committee composed of a representative of each Member, an executive committee of ten persons elected by the above-mentioned committee.
(HB 1938)
Recueillir et distribuer des renseignements, développer et encourager le commerce et les relations commerciales entre les Sociétés coopératives de toutes les parties du monde et favoriser leurs intérêts.
HB 1929: To collect and distribute information and to foster and promote trade and trading
relations and interest between co-operative societies in all parts of the world.
To collect and distribute information and to foster and promote trade and trade relations between co-operative societies in all parts of the world and to promote their interests.
(HB 1938)
Toutes les dépenses du Bureau ont jusqu'à présent été supportées par la Société coopérative de gros d'Angleterre.
HB 1929: Expenses subscribed by members proportionately to imports and exports of national
whole-sale societies.
HB 1936: Cotisations versées par les membres proportionnellement aux importations et exportations des sociétés nationales de gros.
Réunions périodiques.
HB 1929: Periodical meetings.
HB 1936: Développement du commerce international entre consommateurs et organisations agricoles coopératives; le Magasin joue le rôle de chambre de compensation pour les achats collectifs de produits de base, etc.; recueil et diffusion de renseignements sur les questions commerciales, les brevets, etc., et étude de toutes questions commerciales intéressant les membres.
Development of international trade between consumers and agricultural co-operative organisations. The Society plays the part of a clearing house for collective purchases of raw materials, etc., collection and spreading of information on commercial questions, certificates, etc., and the study of all commercial questions of interest to the members.
(HB 1938)