International Committee for the Coordination of Forces making for Peace

International Committee for the Coordination of Forces making for Peace, Comité International de Coordination des Forces pacifiques
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Founded: 7/6/1927
Sources: HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938



Relationships with other Organisations


HB 1929: To establish co-operation between international peace associations. HB 1936: Le Comité s'efforce: a) d'organiser des campagnes de propagande et toutes manifestations communes que les circonstances commanderaient; b) d'assurer, par une politique et relations internationales ; action pacifique collaboration continue, la consolidation et le perfectionnement de la Société des Nations; c) de recommander aux organismes adhérents, selon leur compétence, l'étude de problèmes dont la portée internationale aura été reconnue; d) de rechercher les moyens de créer un esprit international, notamment par les voies de la presse et de l'enseignement à tous les degrés. HB 1938: The Committee endeavours: (a) to organise propaganda campaigns and such joint demonstrations as circumstances dictate; (b) to secure, by continuous collaboration, the consolidation and perfecting of the League of Nations; (c) to recommend to its member organisations the study of problems falling within their competence the international importance of which has been recognised; (d) to seek means of creating an international spirit, particularly through the Press and through education at all stages.


Covered by the International Peace Bureau.


HB 1929: The Committee has approached the International Associations with the proposal to organise a general Congress in 1930 at Geneva to commemorate the Tenth Anniversary of the League of Nations by a demonstration of Pacifists. Le Comité international de coordination des forces pacifiques a examiné dans un certain nombre de séances communes, diverses questions intéressant l'ensemble du mouvement pacifiste. HB 1936: Le Comité international de coordination des forces pacifiques a examiné dans un certain nombre de séances communes, diverses questions intéressant l'ensemble du mouvement pacifiste. HB 1938: The International Committee for the Co-ordination of Forces making for Peace has held a number of joint meetings at which various questions of interest to the pacifist movement as a whole were examined.
