International Institute for the Unification of Private Law
International Institute for the Unification of Private Law, Institut International pour l'Unification du Droit Privé, Instituto Internazionale di Roma per l'Inificazione del Diritto Privato, Institut International de Rome pour l'Unification du Droit Privé, International Institute at Rome for the Unification of Private Law
Founded: 30/5/1928
HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938
a)Directive Council/Governing Body (President and 14 members) and
b) Standing Committee (President and 5 members, composed of the President of the Directive Council and 5 of its members).
HB 1936/38: Directive Council: three seats vacant;
HB 1938: Standing Committee: Secretary General: vacant.
HB 1929: The Institute which has been placed at the disposal of the League of Nations and is maintained by the Italian Government is to study methods for the assimilation and co-ordination of private law as between States or groups of States, and to prepare for a gradual adoption by the various States of uniform private law legislation.
HB 1936: Etudier les moyens d'harmoniser et de coordonner le droit privé entre les Etats ou entre les groupes d'Etats et préparer graduellement l'adoption par les divers Etats d'une législation de droit privé uniforme. Ces travaux se poursuivent sous la direction de la Société des Nations en connexion avec et en tenant compte des travaux de la Commission de coopération intellectuelle, du Bureau international du Travail et des organisations techniques de la Société des Nations.
HB 1938: To study methods for the assimilation and co-ordination of private law as between States or groups of States, and to prepare for a gradual adoption by the various States of uniform private law legislation. This work is being carried on under the direction of the League of Nations, in connection with and taking into consideration the work of the Committee on Intellectual Co-operation, the International Labour Office and the technical organisations of the League.
Annual grant of 1,000,000 lire from the Italian Government/Subvention annuelle de 1.000.000 de lires par le Gouvernement italien.
General facts
HB 1929: The foundation of the Institute was proposed to the League of Nations at the session of November 1924 ; the final agreements were signed in March-April 1926; The Institute has just begun work.
HB 1936: La fondation de l'Institut a été proposée à la Société des Nations en novembre 1924; la convention définitive a été signée au mois d'avril 1926. L'inauguration de l'Institut a eu lieu le 30 mai 1928.
HB 1938: The foundation of the Institute was proposed to the League of Nations in November 1924; the final Convention was signed in April 1926. The Institute was inaugurated on May 30th, 1928.
HB 1929: Review will be published from 1929 onwards.
HB 1936: Etudes de droit comparé et projets de lois uniformes internationales (un projet de loi uniforme sur la vente et un projet de loi uniforme sur la responsabilité des hôteliers ont été publiés en 1935). Comptes rendus annuels des séances du Conseil de Direction et du Comité permanent. Comptes rendus annuels sur l'activité de l'Institut. Quelques données bibliographiques concernant l'Institut : Ernst Rabel, dans «Zeitschrift f. ausländ. u. intern. Privatrecht», Berlin, 1928, 477-480; 1929; 403-406; 1931, 880-881 ; Pietro de Franciser : « La Coopération intellectuelle », Paris, 1929, 614-621 ; Pietro de Francisci : «Echi e Commenti », Roma, 1932, n° 6; Ernst Rabel : «Juristische Wochenschrift », Berlin, 1932, H. 31 ; René David : « Tulane Law Review », New-Orleans, 1934, 406-416.
HB 1938: Studies of comparative law and draft uniform international laws (a "Draft Uniform Law on the Sale of Goods" and a "Draft Uniform Law respecting the Liability of Innkeepers" were published in 1935). Annual accounts of the meetings of the Governing Body and the Standing Committee. Annual reports on the Institute's activities.
Some Bibliographical Data concerning the Institute: Ernst Rabel, in "Zeitschrift f. ausland. u. intern. Privatrecht ", Berlin, 1928, 477-480; 1929, 402 -406; 1931, 880-881;
Pietro de Francisci: "La cooperation intellectuelle" Paris, 1929, 614-621; Pietro de Francisci: " Echi e Commenti", Rome, 1932, No. 6; Ernst Rabel: "Juristische Wochenschrift", Berlin, 1932, No. 31; René David: "Tulane Law Review", New Orleans, 1934,406-416.
HB 1929: Conferences and publications.
HB 1936: Conférences. Publications. Bibliothèque (22.000 volumes spécialisés pour le droit privé et le droit international).
HB 1938: Conferences. Publications. Library of 30,000 specialised volumes on private law and international law.