International Ski Association

International Ski Association, Internationaler Skiverband, Fédération Internationale de Ski
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Founded: 1924
Sources: HB 1925, HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938


Executive Committee (HB 1936).
  • W. Amstutz Member of a Committee 1936 : Member "Sous-Comité pour les courses de pente et les courses de slalom"; Sub-Committee on downhill and slalom races
  • A. Bobkowsei Vice President 1936
  • Count Albert Bonacossa Member of a Committee 1936 / Member of a Committee 1936 : Member "Sous-Comité pour les courses de pente et les courses de slalom"
  • P. de la Chapelle Member of a Committee 1936 : Member "Sous-Comité pour les courses de pente et les courses de slalom"; Sub-Committee on downhill and slalom races
  • Dr. P. Frey Member of a Committee 1925-1938
  • I. Gsur Member of a Committee 1925-1936
  • Count C. G. D. Hamilton Secretary 1929-1936 / Vice President 1936
  • I. Holmquist Chairman (President) 1925-1936
  • I. Hysing-Olsen Vice President 1925-1936
  • J. de Rytter Kielland General Secretary (Secretary General) 1938
  • Dr. F. Lacq Member of a Committee 1936
  • Baron le Fort Member of a Committee 1936 : Member "Sous-Comité pour les courses de pente et les courses de slalom"; Sub-Committee on downhill and slalom races
  • K. E. Levälahti Member of a Committee 1925-1936
  • A. Lunn Member of a Committee 1936 / Member of a Committee 1936 : Member "Sous-Comité pour les courses de pente et les courses de slalom"; Sub-Committee on downhill and slalom races
  • Dr. F. Martin Member of a Committee 1936 / President 1936 : President of "Sous-Comité pour les courses de pente et les courses de slalom"
  • Dr. P. Minelle Member of a Committee 1925-1936
  • Dr. J. Moser Member of a Committee 1936
  • C. Nordenson Secretary 1925-1936
  • N. R. Ostgaard Vice Chairman (Vice President) 1929-1936 / President 1936
  • A. Palmros Member of a Committee 1936
  • Guy Schmidt Member of a Committee 1936-1938
  • F. Schuler Member of a Committee 1936
  • Smith-Kielland General Secretary (Secretary General) 1936-1938
  • J. Synacek Member of a Committee 1925-1938
  • A. Weber Member of a Committee 1925-1938


Members in these countries

Australia (since 1936) , Austria (since 1925) , Belgium (since 1938) , Bulgaria (since 1936) , Canada (since 1929) , Czechoslovakia (since 1925) , Estonia (since 1936) , Finland (since 1925) , France (since 1925) , Germany (since 1925) , Greece (since 1938) , Hungary (since 1925) , Italy (since 1925) , Japan (since 1929) , Kingdom of Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia (1925-1936) , Latvia (since 1936) , Netherlands (since 1938) , Norway (since 1925) , Poland (since 1925) , Romania (since 1925) , Spain (since 1929) , Sweden (since 1925) , Switzerland (since 1925) , United Kingdom (since 1925) , United States of America (since 1925) , Yugoslavia (since 1936) ,


Go-operation between the central ski-ing organisations in the various countries. (HB 1929) HB 1936: Assurer la coopération des associations centrales de ski dans les divers pays en établissant les règlements des épreuves internationales de ski, les règles concernant les amateurs, etc. Co-operation between the central skiing organisations in the various countries through the adoption of rules governing international ski competitions, amateur status, etc. (HB 1938)


HB 1936: Les associations affiliées versent une cotisation annuelle fixée par le Congrès du Ski. A l'heure actuelle, cette cotisation est de 200 francs suisses. The affiliated associations pay an annual subscription fixed by the Ski Congress, at present 200 Swiss francs. (HB 1938)

General facts

HB 1936: Le premier Congrès du Ski eut lieu à Oslo en 1910 et il fut créé une Commission internationale du Ski qui élabora le premier règlement international de ski. The first Ski Congress was held at Oslo in 1910, and set up an International Ski Committee which framed the first international ski regulations. (HB 1938)


HB 1936: Procès-verbaux des congrès (en français et en allemand). Le règlement international des épreuves de ski est publié en français et en allemand (« règlement des concours internationaux de Ski » - « Internationale Wettlaufordnung ») (I.W.O. 1933). Proceedings of Congresses (in French and German). The International Ski Competition Regulations are published in French and German ("Regie-ment des concours internationaux de Ski" — "Internationale Wettlaufordnung1 ). (HB 1938)


To draw up rules dofining the qualifications of amateurs, etc., for international ski-ing competitions. (HB 1929) HB 1936: Tous les deux ans, la Fédération internationale de Ski tient un Congrès international du Ski, dans la mesure du possible, en même temps et au même endroit que les courses organisées, la même année, par la Fédération. Every two years the Federation organises an international ski congress as far as possible at the same time and places as the Federation's annual races. (HB 1938)