International Bureau for the Study of Sports Psychology

International Bureau for the Study of Sports Psychology, Bureau International de Pédagogie Sportive (B.I.P.S.)
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Founded: 1925
Sources: HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938


Administrative Council ; Technical Council ; Director.


Members in these countries

Chile , Czechoslovakia , France , Greece , Portugal , Turkey ,


To study and abolish the evil effects of sports and to continue the work begun by the International Congress of the Psychology of Sports held at Lausanne in 1913. (HB 1929) HB 1936: Etudier les questions de pédagogie en rapport avec le sport et l'éducation physique, et poursuivre l'śuvre entreprise par le Congrès international de psychologie sportive tenu à Lausanne en 1913. o study pedagogical questions in relation to sport and physical education, and to continue the work undertaken by the International Congress on the Psychology of Sports held at Lausanne in 1913. (HB 1938)
