International Conference of the Principal High Tension Electrical Systems
International Conference of the Principal High Tension Electrical Systems, Conférence Internationale des Grands Réseaux Électriques a Haute Tension
Founded: 1921
HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938
Management: Administration is in the hands of M. Tribot-Laspifere, General delegate.
Officers: Chairman: M. E. Merrier (France).
Five Honorary Chairmen. Four Honorary Vice-Chairmen. Vice-Presidents belonging to the following countries: Austria, Belgium, United Kingdom, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Roumania, Spain, Switzerland, United States of America, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
(HB 1938)
Relationships with other Organisations
To make an international study of all questions connected with the production, conveyance and distribution of high-tension electricity.
(HB 1929)
Assurer les ressources nécessaires à la préparation du Congrès périodique dit « Conférence internationale des Grands réseaux électriques à haute tension », qui fonctionne depuis 1921, sous les auspices de la Commission électrotechnique internationale. Faciliter les études internationales concernant : a) la construction et l'exploitation des centrales, sous-stations et postes de transformation ; b) la construction, l'isolation et l'entretien des lignes électriques; c) l'exploitation, la protection et l'interconnexion des réseaux. Créer et entretenir des relations amicales et techniques entre les organismes de tous pays compétents en ces matières. Collaborer avec les autres organisations internationales.
(HB 1936)
To provide the means necessary for organising the periodical congress known as the " International Conference of the Principal High-Tension Electrical Systems ", held under the auspices of the International Electro-technical Commission since 1921. To facilitate international studies relating to: (a) the building and maintenance of power-houses, sub-stations and transformer stations; (b) the erection, insulation and maintenance of electrical power lines; (c) the management, protection and linking-up of electrical power systems. To create and maintain friendly technical relations between competent organisations in all countries. To collaborate with other international organisations.
(HB 1938)
The expenses of the Conference are covered by members' subscriptions.
The Conference's only publication is a detailed account of each session (one every two years). This contains the reports and a verbatim record of the discussions.
(HB 1929)
Revue Electra et comptes rendus des congrès biennaux (chaque compte rendu comprend trois volumes de 1.000 pages environ).
(HB 1936)
The review Electra \ proceedings of the biennial Congresses (each set of proceedings consists of three volumes of about a thousand pages).
(HB 1938)
Congrès. Périodiquement, la Conférence organise des congrès qui ont lieu tous les deux ans à Paris, le troisième ou quatrième jeudi de juin et qui durent dix jours.
(HB 1936)
The Conference organises periodical Congresses which take place every two years in Paris, beginning on the third or fourth Thursday in June and lasting ten days.
(HB 1938)