International Student Service
International Student Service, Entr'aide Universitaire Internationale
Founded: 1920
HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938
The Assembly.
Relationships with other Organisations
HB 1929: To bring together the students of the world in a common effort to relieve material need; to promote student self-help and co-operative enterprise; to bring home the necessity of mutual understanding between studetns etc.
HB 1936: : Encourager tous les efforts tentés par les étudiants, les professeurs, etc., en vue de développer les universités et les établissements d'enseignement supérieur, centres véritables de culture nationale qui demeurent en contact étroit avec les réalités internationales, économiques et sociales du monde moderne.
To encourage all efforts made by students, professors, etc., with a view to developing universities and establishments of higher education, true centres of national culture, which remain in close contact with international, economic and social realities of the modern world.
(HB 1938)
HB 1929: Budget for 1929, §52,860.
HB 1936: Budget pour 1935-36, 45.000 dollars, y compris les travaux généraux et l'œuvre de secours.
Budget for 1936-37, 312,000 Swiss francs, including general activities and relief work. (HB 1938)
General facts
HB 1929: Originally the work was administered by a Sub-Committee of the World Student Christian Federation, but since 1926 it has been conducted by a World Committee with an independent constitution. The members of this Committee serre in a personal capacity and belong to different international organisations.
HB 1936: L'Entr'aide universitaire internationale a pris naissance en 1919, sous le titre de «European Student Relief» et elle a commencé par réunir 450.000 livres sterling pour porter secours aux étudiants de l'Europe centrale dans le dénuement. En 1925, elle adopta son titre actuel pour tenir compte du fait accompli, car, d'européenne, elle était devenue internationale. Son activité s'est élargie et elle s'exerce à présent dans le domaine de la coopération intellectuelle, des recherches universitaires, des projets permettant aux étudiants de se subvenir à eux-mêmes, ainsi que des œuvres de secours.
The International Student Service was founded in 1919, under the name of " European Student Relief ", and started by collecting £450,000 for the assistance of destitute students in Central Europe. In 1925, it took its present name in recognition of an accomplished fact, for, from being European, it had become international. Its activities have developed, and at present cover the fields of intellectual co-operation, university research work, schemes for enabling students to support themselves and relief work.
(HB 1938)
HB 1929: Vox Studentium, and monthly news-sheets.
HB 1936: More Facts, paraissant tous les mois, et autres publications irrégulières.
LS.S. Bulletin, appearing every month, and other publications.
(HB 1938)
HB 1929: Conferences, publications, etc. The Service has set up a special Institute for Student Self-Help and Co-operative Organisation at Dresden, which forms an integrate part of the organisation and is under the leadership of Dr. G. G. KULLMANN.
HB 1936: 1) Etude des questions universitaires, recherches et publication d'ouvrages sur ces questions; 2) Développement dans les universités des relations amicales entre étudiants et professeurs de diverses nationalités et races; rapprochement des universitaires et des autres classes sociales, grâce à l'organisation de causeries, de conférences, de voyages d'étude, etc.; 3) Développement des œuvres permettant aux étudiants de se subvenir à eux-mêmes et création d'entreprises coopératives d'étudiants; 4) Assistance matérielle et morale aux étudiants.
(1) Study of university questions, research and publication of works on those questions; (2) A study centre for university, economic and social problems, through enquiries, conferences and publications (overcrowding in universities, unemployment amongst young people, etc.). (3) An experimental centre for the improvement of student life in all its forms, by encouraging the formation of centres, co-operative clubs, the organisation of work-camps, etc. The I.S.S. has a monopoly of student exchanges between camps in different countries. (4) Material and moral assistance to students.
(HB 1938)