International Catholic University Press Secretariat
International Catholic University Press Secretariat, Internationales Sekretariat der Katholischen Akademischen Presse, Secrétariat International de Presse Universitaire Catholique
Founded: 1932
HB 1936, HB 1938
HB 1938: Organ: International Catholic University Agency.
Relationships with other Organisations
HB 1936: Centraliser toutes les revues universitaires catholiques du monde, les mettre en contact, leur rendre service.
HB 1938: To centralise all the Catholic University Reviews of the world, to put them in contact and assist them. To centralise Catholic University news in all countries and promote the Catholic Student movement in the general Press.
HB 1938: General Collection of Catholic University Reviews, Records of the First International Congress of the Catholic University Press.
HB 1936: Echanges de revues; Service d'Informations; Agence universitaire catholique; Jeunesses du Monde, organe mensuel des jeunes catholiques des différents pays.
HB 1938: Exchange of reviews and cuttings; Information Service; technical advice; Report "Vita Universitaria" in "L' Osservatore Romano" and in other newspapers; publication of the "Carte Internationale de Presse d' Etudiant" under the auspices of the International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations.