International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation

International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation, Internationales Institut für Geistige Zusammenarbeit, Institut International de Coopération Intellectuelle
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Founded: 1926
Sources: HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938


A Governing Body composed of the members of the Committee on Intellectual Co-operation in office at the time and presided over by the French member of this Committee. A Directing Committee appointed by the Governing Body with the approval of the Council of the League of Nations, consisting of the President and members. (HB 1929) a) Conseil d'administration, composé des membres de la Commission internationale de coopération intellectuelle et présidé par le membre français de la Commission. Ce conseil comprend: b) Comité de direction, nommé par le conseil d'administration avec l'approbation du Conseil de la Société des Nations (HB 1936) (a) Governing Body, composed of thee members of the International Committee on Intellectual Co-operation and presided over by the French Member of the Committee. This body consists of: (b) Directing Committee, appointed by the Governing Body with the approval of the Council of the League of Nations. (HB 1938)


Relationships with other Organisations

Members in these countries

HB 1938: The funds of the Institute are provided by annual subsidies from the following eighteen governments:
Austria (since 1938) , Brazil (since 1938) , Colombia (since 1938) , Denmark (since 1938) , Ecuador (since 1938) , Egypt (since 1938) , France (since 1938) , Hungary (since 1938) , Italy (since 1938) , Luxembourg (since 1938) , Mexico (since 1938) , Montenegro (since 1938) , Poland (since 1938) , Portugal (since 1938) , Romania (since 1938) , Switzerland (since 1938) , Venezuela (since 1938) , Yugoslavia (since 1938) ,



To promote intellectual co-operation between all the nations of the world in conformity with the Covenant of the League of Nations, for the use of the Committee on Intellectual Co-operation, as the working instrument of this Committee. It acts as a liaison and information centre for everything which concerns international intellectual relations. (HB 1929) Préparer les délibérations de la Commission de coopération intellectuelle; poursuivre dans tous les pays l'exécution des décisions et recommandations de cette Commission; travailler au progrès de l'organisation du travail intellectuel dans le monde par la collaboration internationale et, d'une manière générale, développer la coopération des peuples dans tous les domaines de l'esprit. (HB 1936) Preparatory work for the proceedings of the Committee on Intellectual Co-operation; promotion of the execution of the decisions and recommenda tions of that Committee in all countries; promotion of the better organisation of intellectual work throughout the world by international co-operation and development of co-operation generally between peoples in all fields of intellectual activity. (HB 1938)


The funds of the Institute are composed of: (1) The sums granted by nineteen Governments ; (2) any other gifts or bequests which may be offered to it and accepted by the Governing Body ; (3) any receipts arising out of the institute's activities ; (4) income from its property. Income for 1928: 3,147,666 French francs. (HB 1929) Les ressources de l'Institut sont les suivantes : a) la subvention annuelle accordée par le Gouvernement français; b) toutes autres subventions des gouvernements; c) des dons, legs, etc., qui sont acceptés par le Conseil d'administration, etc. Le total des recettes, d'après le budget de 1935, s'élevait à 2.875.900 francs français. (HB 1936) The funds of the Institute are provided by annual subsidies from the following eighteen governments: Austria, Brazil, Colombia, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Hungary, Italy, Luxemburg, Mexico, Monaco, Poland, Portugal, Roumania, Switzerland, Venezuela, Yugoslavia. The Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Trust give financial support to certain special activities of the Institute. The Ibero-American and Japanese collections have separate budgets. (HB 1938)

General facts

The Institute was founded by the initiative of the French Government (resolution of the fifth session of the Assembly, November 23rd, 1924). (HB 1929) L'Institut a été offert à la Société des Nations par le Gouvernement français (résolution de la cinquième Assemblée de la Société des Nations, 23 septembre 1924). «Entretiens» de Francfort en 1932, de Madrid en 1933, de Paris en 1933, de Venise en 1934, de Nice en 1935. Conférence permanente des hautes études internationales (annuelle depuis 1928). Conférence des directeurs de l'enseignement supérieur (annuelle depuis 1932). Réunions annuelles, depuis 1926, du Comité des organisations internationales d'étudiants. Réunions des Instituts spécialisés dans l'étude des droits intellectuels (annuelles depuis 1931). Réorganisation de l'instruction publique en Chine. (HB 1936) The International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation was established in conformity with the provisions of its organic statute, approved by the Council of the League of Nations on December 13th, 1924, and by the Assembly on September 23rd, 1924. Committees and Conferences: "Conversations " at Frankfurt 1932, Madrid 1933, Paris 1933, Venice 1934, Nice 1935, Budapest 1936, Paris 1937. Permanent Conference of International Studies (yearly since 1928). Conference of Directors of Higher Education (yearly since 1932). Annual meetings of the Committee of International Students' Organisations since 1926. Meetings of institutes specialising in the study of intellectual rights (yearly since 1931). Reorganisation of public education in China (1932-1933)- Directing Committee of the International Museums Office, the International Office of Institutes of Archaeology and the History of Art , Bureau of the International Committee on Folk Art, Committee of Archives Experts, Committee of Library Experts, Committees for the publication of the Ibero-American and Japanese collections. (HB 1938)


La Coopération intellectuelle (monthly) (HB 1929) La Coopération intellectuelle (français-anglais), mensuelle; Archéologie et Histoire de l'art, trois numéros par an; Index Translationum, trimestriel; Les Musées scientifiques (français-anglais), mensuel; L'Etudiant à l'étranger (français-anglais), semestriel; La Correspondance scolaire internationale; L'Année de la Coopération intellectuelle (français-anglais), annuelle. (HB 1936) La Coopération intellectuelle (French), monthly ; Archéologie et Histoire de l'art, three times yearly ; Index Translationum, quarterly ; Les Musées scientifiques (Scientific Museums) (French-English), monthly ; L'Etudiant à l'étranger {Students Abroad) (French-English), twice yearly ; La Correspondence scolaire internationale; L' Année de la Co-operation intellectuelle (The Year of Intellectual Co-operation) (French- English), yearly. For the publications of the International Museums Office, see note by the Office. For the Collections, " Conversations" , "Open Letters" , " Cahiers" , "Intellectual Co-operation Series", andd "Volumes" , consult the catalogue.


The object of the Institute is to find practical means of promoting international co-operation and the production and circulation of intellectual work. it deals with the recording of specialists, expert conferences, establishment of closer relations among specialists' associations, the means of securing wider publicity for work published in little known languages, etc. The Institute is studying principally the following questions suggested by the international Committee intellectual Co-operation: the international organisation of bibliography and scientific information ; the extension of the international exchange of publications ; international measures to facilitate the circulation of books and printed matter; the adoption of a general scheme for the exchange of professors and students, and for the equivalence of degrees and credentials ; the possibility of creating rights of scientific property; the extension of the Jaws and regulations protecting works of art and the rights of artists in their productions ; the development of instruction on international questions ; the regulation by international agreement of archeological research and the protection of historic buildings ; international co-operation among museums and exhibitions ; international co-operation among libraries ; international measures for the development and improvement of the cinematograph, etc. The Institute also follows in the Press and current literature the general trend of international intellectual relations and the organisation of intellectual life, and publishes bulletins on special phases of current problems. (HB 1929) a) Questions relatives aux rapports internationaux: Organisation d'«Entretiens» et publication de « Correspondance » entre représentants qualifiés de la haute activité intellectuelle; étude scientifique des relations internationales (conférence annuelle des hautes études internationales), collaboration internationale en matière de sciences sociales et politiques, la radiodiffusion et la paix. b) Questions générales de coopération intellectuelle : Etude du rôle intellectuel des moyens modernes de diffusion, presse, cinématographe, radiodiffusion; organisation internationale de la documentation. c) Enseignement : Collaboration internationale des Universités, coordination des centres nationaux de documentation pédagogique, réunion des organisations internationales d'étudiants, revision des manuels scolaires et enseignement de l'histoire, voyages et échanges internationaux de jeunesse, radiodiffusion scolaire, correspondance scolaire internationale, etc. arts et sciences d) Sciences exactes et naturelles : relations avec les organisations scientifiques internationales, coordination des terminologies scientifiques, collaboration entre les musées scientifiques, coordination des bibliographies scientifiques. e) Collaboration internationale entre les Archives. f) Collaboration internationale entre les Bibliothèques. g) Littérature : Publication de l'Index Translationum, répertoire international des traductions, publication de la collection ibéro-américaine, relation avec les associations littéraires internationales. h) Beaux-arts : Collaboration entre les musées de beaux-arts, étude de divers problèmes se rapportant aux arts populaires, collaboration entre les Instituts d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art. i) Droits intellectuels : Défense et développement des droits intellectuels. (HB 1936)