International Shipping Federation

International Shipping Federation, Fédération Internationale des Armateurs
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Founded: 1909
Sources: HB 1921, HB 1923, HB 1925, HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938


General Council, composed of from two to six representatives from each country. Conseil général composé de deux à six représentants par pays. (HB 1936)


Members in these countries

Shipowners´ associations in several countries.
Belgium (since 1923) , Denmark (since 1923) , France (since 1923) , Germany (since 1923) , Netherlands (since 1923) , Norway (since 1923) , Spain (since 1936) , Sweden (since 1923) , United Kingdom (since 1923) ,


Protéger dans le domaine international les intérêts des armateurs en tant qu'ils sont influencés par les questions ouvrières et encourager leur coopération dans des questions industrielles. To co-ordinate the views of the shipping industry internationally, and by means of friendly association and consultation to develop and organise co-operation amongst shipowners of the various maritime countries. (HB 1929) To protect the interests of the shipping trade internationally in so far as they are affected by labour questions and to promote co-operation in industrial questions affecting the trade. (HB 1938)


Contributions from the associated federations, the amount being fixed by the General Council.


Periodical meetings.
