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People from this place

  • O. Lewinsen International Landworkers' Federation (Member of a Committee)
  • Henni Forchhammer International Council of Women (Vice President) / LoN General Assembly: Fourth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Sixth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Seventh Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Eighth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Ninth Ordinary Session of Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Tenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Eleventh Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Twelfth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Thirteenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Fourteenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Fifteenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Sixteenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly, part one (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Sixteenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly, part two (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Seventeenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Eighteenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate)
  • Prof. Heiberg International Academic Union (Assistant Secretary) / International Academic Union (Vice President)
  • Christian Damm International Seafarers' Federation (Secretary General)
  • Munch Federal Committee of European Co-Operation (Member)
  • J.Chr. Yensen International Garden-Cities and Town Planning Federation (Vice President)
  • Frederic Lamond International Concert Federation (Vice President)
  • O. Jespersen Permanent International Committee of Linguists (Secretary General) / Permanent International Committee of Linguists (Member of a Committee)
  • Knudsen International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (Vice President)
  • Carl Vett Permanent International Committee for Psychical Research Congresses (Secretary General)
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