World Union of Women for International Concord

World Union of Women for International Concord, Frauenweltbund zur Förderung Internationaler Eintracht, Union Mondiale de la Femme pour la Concorde Internationale
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Founded: 1915
Sources: HB 1921, HB 1923, HB 1925, HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938


Committee (consisting of minimum of five persons, who nominate a Bureau (every three years). (HB 1925) A Committee of fourteen members (HB 1929) The Central Office at Geneva; Officers: A Committee of twelve members (HB 1938).


Relationships with other Organisations

Members in these countries

Individuels et quelques groupes; en 1916, 7.836, dont 6.530 en Suisse. En 1920, 1e total des membres était de 9.000 répartis sur 29 pays. HB 1925: Groupes et correspondants à : Brasov (Transylvanie), Bruxelles, Bucarest, Budapest, Larissa (Grèce), Lausanne, Melbourne, Montevideo, Munich, New-Orleans, Paris, Sibiou (Transylvanie). Individual members in thirty-three countries, and groups and correspondents in: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Czechoslovakia, Dutch East Indies, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Netherlands, Roumania, Switzerland, Ukraine, United States of America. (HB 1929) Association internationale non constituée en groupements nationaux ; les membres appartenant à 27 pays se rattachent directement au Bureau central de Genève. Correspondantes et groupes en Allemagne, Australie, Autriche, Belgique, Brésil, Royaume-Uni, Canada, Egypte, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, France, Indes néerlandaises, Italie, Norvège, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Roumanie, Uruguay, Suisse. (HB 1936) An international association not consisting of national groups; members belonging to twenty-seven countries are connected directly with the Central Office at Geneva. Correspondents and groups in Australia, Austria, Belgium, United Kingdom, Brazil, Canada, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Netherlands Indies, Norway, Poland, Rumania, Switzerland, United States of America, Uruguay. Active member of the liaison Committee and of the Committee for Peace and Disarmament set up by the International Women's Organisations, and of other groups working for peace and moral education. (HB 1938)
Algeria (1921-1929) , Australia (since 1929) , Austria (since 1936) , Austria (1921-1929) , Belgium (since 1936) , Belgium (1921-1929) , Brazil (since 1921) , Bulgaria (1921-1929) , Canada (since 1929) , China (1921-1929) , Colombia (1929-1936) , Czechoslovakia (1921-1936) , Denmark (1921-1936) , Dutch East Indies (since 1925) , Egypt (since 1936) , Egypt (1925-1929) , Finland (1923-1925) , Finland (since 1938) , France (since 1921) , Germany (since 1921) , Greece (1921-1929) , Hungary (1921-1936) , Italy (since 1936) , Italy (1921-1929) , Japan (1921-1929) , Kingdom of Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia (1923-1929) , Lithuania (1921-1929) , Montenegro (1921-1929) , Netherlands (since 1921) , Norway (since 1936) , Norway (1921-1929) , Poland (since 1936) , Poland (1921-1929) , Portugal (1921-1929) , Romania (since 1921) , Russia (1921-1929) , Serbia (1921-1923) , Spain (1921-1929) , Sweden (1921-1929) , Switzerland (since 1923) , Turkey (1921-1929) , Ukraine (1929-1936) , United Kingdom (since 1921) , United States of America (since 1921) , Uruguay (since 1936) , Uruguay (1921-1929) , Venezuela (1921-1925) ,


Etablir la paix permanente ; éducation mutuelle; développer l'internationalisme humanitaire en créant des relations entre les femmes du monde entier. Un mouvement universel de fraternité, ouvert à toute femme, de tout âge, sans distinction de nationalité, de religion ou de situation sociale, et dont les buts n'ont rien à faire avec la politique. (HB 1925) To work for permanent peace by attacking the psychological causes of war and developing humanitarian internationalism by establishing relations amongst women throughout the world, and by mutual education. The objects of the Union are entirely non-political. (HB 1929) L'Union mondiale de la femme est un mouvement d'éducation pour la paix; il fait appel essentiellement à l'effort et à la responsabilité individuels. Son travail est basé sur un « code d'action », formulé en quatorze principes. Association internationale, non politique, interconfessionnelle, entièrement compatible avec le patriotisme. (HB 1936). The World Union of Women is an educational movement to promote peace ; it appeals essentially to individual effort and responsibility. Its activities are based on an action code containing fourteen principles. A non-political, inter-denominational, international association entirely compatible with patriotism. (HB 1938)


Cotisation des membres 1915-1916 : 17.485 fr.; Budget annuel: 20.000 francs. (HB 1923/25) Members' subscriptions. Annual budget: 20,000 francs.(HB 1929) Donations and members' subscriptions. Budget of the Central Office : 20,000 francs per annum. (In countries in which the official languages are not used, propaganda is subsidised entirely by members who are nationals of the country, and is not covered by the above budget. (HB 1938)

General facts

L'Union est parvenue à réaliser une profitable communauté d'action entre œuvres sociales séparées et affaiblies par les problèmes de minorités. Lors de congrès sur l'enseignement de l'histoire, présenta des méthodes qui furent adoptées et sont actuellement expérimentées dans certaines écoles. Prit une part active à la pétition mondiale en faveur du désarmement et soutint les efforts de la Conférence pour la limitation des armements par ses appels et une large propagande d'information. (HB 1936). : The World Union has aroused the interest of hundreds of thousands of persons and important organisations dealing with the problems of peace. It has contributed largely towards the education of public opinion by its articles in the Press and its varied documentary material and also by organising or participating in many conferences, congresses, cinema and theatrical performances and educational exhibitions. At the Congress on the Teaching of History, the World Union submitted methods which were adopted and tried experimentally in certain schools. It has organised active inter- school correspondence and founded a holiday camp. It collaborates in the publication of a magazine Youth and World Peace (in nine languages). The Union has succeeded in bringing about valuable concerted action between social institutions which were divided or weakened by divergent tendencies or by minority questions. During the war it organised an important child-welfare movement. Acting alone or in conjunction with other associations, the Union laid before heads of States, and before the League of Nations, recommendations and proposals which were discussed at the Assembly and at the Conference for the Reduction and Limitation of Armaments. It took an active part in the world petition for disarmament and supported the efforts of the Conference for the Reduction and Limitation of Armaments by its appeals and by means of extensive education propaganda. More recently the Union launched a vast campaign to recruit industrial supporters in the service of peace and strongly supported the initiative of the Committee for Peace and Disarmament of the International Women's Organisations. (HB 1938)


Various publications. Annual Review and report.(HB 1929) Publications officielles : Journal de Jeunesse du 18 mai, édité en collaboration avec diverses organisations, en neuf langues. Brochures, documents, rapports, etc. Publication donnant des renseignements sur l'organisation : Annuaire du Bureau international de la paix. (HB 1936). Annual reports in three languages. Pamphlets, documents, statistics, albums, postcards, etc. Publications giving information on the Organisation: Various newspapers and yearbooks (International Peace Bureau, A.B.C., Peace Year Book, etc. (HB 1938)


Propagande individuelle étendue par ses membres. Réunions, conférences, publication d'un bulletin, congrès internationaux. L'Union mondiale s'efforce de faire adopter par ses membres les principes de fraternité, compréhension mutuelle, protection des mères et des enfants, et d'éveiller en toutes les femmes le sentiment de leur responsabilité individuelle dans la régénération morale de l'humanité. L'Union mondiale vise à une réforme morale de la mentalité féminine dont le résultat sera la réforme pratique de la société dans le sens de l'union et de la solidarité. (HB 1923/25) Conferences in various towns in Switzerland and abroad; international congresses; propaganda in the Press. (HB 1929) L'Union mondiale de la femme s'efforce d'être un lien, une force inspiratrice, un centre d'informations pour ceux qui désirent collaborer à la concorde internationale. S'intéresse activement à tout ce qui, par la parole ou par l'image, peut contribuer au rapprochement des êtres et des peuples : presse, cinéma, radio, enseignement de l'histoire, camps de vacances, améliorations sociales, etc. Organise ou prend part à des politique et relations internationales; action pacifique conférences, congrès, expositions, etc., en tous pays. Publie et répand largement un rapport annuel ainsi que des documents, brochures, appels, statistiques, cartes postales, en plusieurs langues. (HB 1936) The World Union of Women endeavours to act as a link, an inspiration and an information centre for those desirous of promoting international concord. It takes an active interest in everything that may, by words or pictures, contribute towards the rapprochement of individuals and peoples: the Press, cinema, wireless, teaching of history, holiday camps, social improvements, etc. It organises or takes part in conferences, congresses, exhibitions, etc. in all countries. It publishes and distributes widely an annual report, and also documents, pamphlets, appeals, statistics and postcards in several languages. (HB 1938)
