International Exhibitions Bureau

International Exhibitions Bureau, Bureau International des Expositions, International Exhibition Bureau
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Founded: 1931
Sources: HB 1931, HB 1936, HB 1938



Members in these countries

Vingt Etats adhérents à la Convention du 22 novembre 1928 (HB 1936) Twenty-two States that have acceded to the Convention of November 22nd, 1928: (HB 1938)
Albania (since 1931) , Australia (since 1936) , Belgium (since 1931) , Canada (since 1936) , Czechoslovakia (since 1936) , Denmark (since 1936) , France (since 1931) , Germany (since 1931) , Greece (since 1936) , Italy (since 1931) , Morocco (since 1931) , Netherlands (since 1936) , Norway (since 1938) , Poland (since 1936) , Portugal (since 1936) , Romania (since 1931) , Spain (since 1931) , Sweden (since 1931) , Switzerland (since 1931) , Tunisia (since 1931) , Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (since 1938) , United Kingdom (since 1931) ,


Under Article 10 of the Convention concerning International Exhibitions, of November 22nd, 1928, the Bureau is responsible for supervising the application of the provisions of that Convention, which regulates the frequency of international exhibitions and establishes the guarantees and facilities which the organising country is required to offer exhibitors. No member countra may organise an international exhibition before having registered with the International Exhibitions Bureau the regulations governing that exhibition or before having stated that is observed the statutory period which mustb elapse between two exhibitions of the same kind. (HB 1931) D'après l'article 10 de la Convention concernant les expositions internationales signée à Paris le 22 novembre 1928, le Bureau veille à l'application de ladite Convention, qui réglemente la fréquence des expositions susmentionnées et établit les garanties que ces manifestations doivent offrir ainsi que les facilités que le pays organisateur est tenu d'accorder aux exposants. Aucun Etat adhérent ne peut en principe organiser d'exposition internationale sans avoir préalablement obtenu son enregistrement au Bureau; il ne peut non plus participer à une exposition tenue dans un pays non adhérent avant d'avoir demandé, à son égard, l'avis du Bureau. (HB 1936) Under Article 10 of the Convention concerning International Exhibitions, signed at Paris on November 22nd, 1928, the Bureau is responsible for supervising the application of that Convention, which regulates the frequency of international exhibitions and establishes the guarantees and facilities which the organising country is required to offer exhibitors. In principle no member country may organise an international exhibition until that exhibition has been registered with the Bureau; neither may it take part in an exhibition held in a non-member country until it has consulted the Bureau. (HB 1938)


Budget 300,000 French francs. Revenue: Annual payments made by States members of the Bureau, on the basis of the League of Nations scale of contributions. The unit is at present fixed at 700 francs. (HB 1936)

General facts

The foundation of the Bureau having been provided for under the Convention of November 22nd, 1928, a meeting of delegates of the member countries was convened on January 19th and 20th, 1931 in Paris. The Board of Administration was constituted, the Director was elected and the various Committees were set up.The latter met in March, May and October, in Paris and in Berlin. The Board of Administration met on October 29th, 1931. On May 20th, 1931, the Council of the League of Nations decided to place the Bureau under the League's authority, in accordance with Article 24 of the Convenant. (HB 1931) Le 20 mai 1931, le Conseil de la Société des Nations a décidé, en application de l'article 24 du Pacte, de placer le Bureau sous son autorité. En plus des expositions dont il a eu à s'occuper, le Bureau a établi et publié une « Classification générale des expositions internationales », un « Règlement général pour les expositions internationales » et un « Règlement pour l'attribution des récompenses dans les expositions internationales ». (HB 1936) On May 20th, 1931, the Council of the League of Nations decided, in application of Article 24 of the Covenant, to place the Bureau under the League's authority. In addition to the exhibitions it has supervised the Bureau has compiled and published a "General Classification of International Exhibitions ", ''General Regulations for International Exhibitions " and " Regulations for the Award of Prizes at International Exhibitions ". (HB 1938)


Annuellement, le Bureau fait paraître un compte rendu des travaux effectués par ses différentes commissions ainsi que les décisions prises par le Conseil en réunion plénière. (HB 1936) The Bureau publishes an annual report on the work of its different Commissions and also the decisions adopted by the Council in plenary session. (HB 1938)
