International Federation of Dramatic and Musical Criticism
International Federation of Dramatic and Musical Criticism, Confédération Internationale de la Critique Dramatique et Musicale
Founded: 1929
HB 1931, HB 1936, HB 1938
The Federation is administered by an Executive Committee including one delegate from each country represented; the President is the representative of the country where the next congress is to be held. One half of the Committees is replaced every two years by lot. Meetings are held at least once a year.
(HB 1931)
La Confédération est administrée par un Comité exécutif composé d'un délégué par pays représenté; ce Comité est présidé par le représentant du pays où se tiendra le congrès suivant; il se réunit au moins une fois par an et est renouvelé par moitié tous les deux ans par tirage au sort.
(HB 1936)
Governing Body: The Federation is administered by an Executive Committee including one delegate from each country represented; the President is the representative of the country where the next congress is to be held. One half of the Committee is replaced every two years by lot. Meetings aie held at least once a year.
(HB 1938)
Stan Golestan
Secretary General
: Deux secrétaires adjoints, dont un faisant fonction de trésorier.
(HB 1936)
Two assistant Secretaries, one of whom acts as Treasurer.
(HB 1938)
To develop, on internaitonal lines, the activities of the affiliated bodies; to defend the rights of criticism.
(HB 1931/38)
Développer sur le terrain international l'activité des organisations adhérentes; défendre les droits de la critique et sauvegarder le prestige de la profession.
(HB 1936)
The annual subscription due from each national body is one gold franc for each active member.
(HB 1931)
La cotisation annuelle due par chaque groupement adhérent est fixée à 1 franc-or par membre actif.
(HB 1936)
The annual subscription due from each national body is one gold franc for each active member.
(HB 1938)
General facts
Congress in Paris 1926, in Salzburg 1929, in Bucharest 1929, in Prague 1930, in Lisbon 1931, next Congress, Paris-Vichy in July 1937. (HB 1938)