Prague: Czechoslovakia
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People from this place
Dr. A. Goldstein
Committee of Jewish Delegations and Executive Committee for the World Jewish Congress (Member of a Committee)
Dr. Milde
Freethinkers International Union (Member)
H. Frank
Congress of Organised Ethnical Minorities (Nationalities) in European Countries (Vice President)
G. de Szüllo
Congress of Organised Ethnical Minorities (Nationalities) in European Countries (Vice Chairman)
Dr. J. Klose
The International Peoples College (President)
Vaclav Schuster
Pan-European Union (Member of the Central Committee) / International Committee of the European Economic and Customs Union (Permanent Delegate)
Vaclav Nemecek
International Social Insurance Conference (Chairman)
Dr. h. c. E. Zimmler
International Permanent Delegation of Sanitary Technique and Town Hygiene (President)
Prof. Dr. Edward Reich
International Commission for Instruction in Agriculture (Member) / International Federation of Agricultural Brainworkers (Secretary General) / International Federation of the Agricultural Press (Member)
Dr. Bohuslav Horak
International Centre of Rural Broadcasting (Vice President)
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