International Association of Physical Medicine and Physiotherapy

International Association of Physical Medicine and Physiotherapy , Association Internationale de Médicine Physique et de Physiothérapie
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Founded: 1930
Sources: HB 1931, HB 1936, HB 1938


Direction: (HB 1936)


Members in these countries

Argentina (since 1931) , Austria (since 1931) , Belgium (since 1931) , Brazil (since 1931) , Bulgaria (since 1931) , Denmark (since 1931) , France (since 1931) , Germany (since 1931) , Italy (since 1931) , Netherlands (since 1931) , Poland (since 1931) , Portugal (since 1931) , Romania (since 1931) , Spain (since 1931) , Switzerland (since 1931) , United Kingdom (since 1931) , United States of America (since 1931) ,



To organise, in each country, active propaganda in favour of healing by physical agencies; to encourage, by all methods, scientific research connected therewith; to organise investigations on the present state of this branch of the healing art; to encourage propaganda in favour of official instruction in physiotherapy; to organise a campaign against quackery; to establish contact with international extra-medical bodies. (HB 1931) Organiser dans chaque pays une propagande intensive en faveur de la thérapeutique par les agents physiques; favoriser par tous les moyens les recherches scientifiques y ayant trait; organiser des enquêtes sur l'état actuel de cette branche de l'art de guérir; intensifier la propagande pour l'enseignement officiel de la physiothérapie; organiser la lutte contre le charlatanisme; organiser des congrès internationaux réguliers; établir le contact avec les organismes extra-médicaux internationaux. (HB 1936) To organise intensive propaganda in every country in favour of therapeutics by physical agents ; to promote scientific research in this connection; to organise enquiries into the stage reached by that branch of the art of healing; to intensify propaganda for the official teaching of physiotherapy; to organise the campaign against charlatanism; to organise regular international congresses; to establish contact with non-medical international organisations. (HB 1938)


The subscription is fixed every three years and is payable for three years in one subscription. For the period 1931 to 1934, it is fixed at 30 belgas. (HB 1931) La cotisation est fixée tous les trois ans et est payable pour trois années à la fois. Pour la période 1931-1934, elle était fixée à 30 belgas. (HB 1936)

General facts

La première session s'est tenue à Anvers en 1905; la seconde à Rome, en 1907; la troisième à Paris, en 1910; la quatrième à Berlin en 1912 et la cinquième à Liège, en 1930. (HB 1936) The first session was held at Antwerp in 1905, the second at Rome in 1907, the third at Paris in 1910, the fourth at Berlin in 1912 and the fifth at Li6ge in 1930. (HB 1938)


The association holds a general assembly at he time of each international congress. These Congresses are held every three years. The Assembly examines all questions submitted to it by a minimum of twenty members; resolutions are passed by an absolute majority of votes. Publication of a bulletin. (HB 1931) L'association se réunit en assemblée générale lors de chaque congrès de physiothérapie. Ces congrès se réunissent tous les trois ans. L'Assemblée examine toute question qui lui est soumise par vingt membres au moins. Les résolutions sont prises à la majorité absolue des votes émis, Publication d'un Bulletin. (HB 1936) The Association meets in General Assembly during each congress on physiotherapy. These congresses meet every three years. The Assembly considers any question submitted by at least twenty members. Resolutions are voted by an absolute majority. Publication of a Bulletin. (HB 1938)
