International Congress on Prehistoric Anthropology and Archaeology

International Congress on Prehistoric Anthropology and Archaeology, Congrès Internationaux d'Anthropologie et d'Archeologie Préhistoriques
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Founded: 1865
Sources: HB 1921, HB 1923, HB 1925, HB 1929


Conseil permanent de dix-sept membres (plusieurs décédés). (HB 1925) A permanent Council consisting of ex-presidents and ex-general secretaries. (HB 1929)


  • Geneva : Switzerland
    le dernier Congrès a eu lieu à Genève, qui en demeure momentanément le siège


  • 1912-1912 Geneva : Switzerland Congresses held as a rule every two years. The last Congress took place at Geneva in 1912; the Congresses were then stopped by the war, but the intention is to resume them again as soon as possible.


Réunir les savants qui s'occupent des questions envisagées au Congrès. (HB 1925) Prehistoric anthropology and archaology. (HB 1929)


Cotisations des membres adhérents au Congrès et subventions des villes, associations, etc. (HB 1925) There are no permanent funds. The only sources of income are the subscriptions of members of congresses and donations. (HB 1929)


Après chaque Congrès, on publie "Les Actes" de celui-ci. Le dernier de Genève comprend deux volumes 1913 à 1914.


Après chaque Congrès, on publie « Les Actes » de celui-ci. Le dernier de Genève comprend deux volumes 1913 à 1914. (HB 1925) Congresses held as a rule every two years. The last Congress took place at Geneva in 1912; the Congresses were then stopped by the war, but the intention is to resume them again as soon as possible. (HB 1929)
