Geneva : Switzerland
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People from this place
Waldemar Deonna
International Congress on Prehistoric Anthropology and Archaeology (General Secretary)
J. D. Reelfs
International Abolitionist Federation (Secretary-Treasurer)
Albert Dunant
International Bureau for Information and Enquiries Regarding Relief to Foreigners (Vice President) / International Committee of Congresses for Public and Private Relief (Vice President)
Fernand-Lucien Mueller
League for the United States of Europe - Young Europe (General Secretary)
Dr. Adolphe Ferrière
Bureau International des Écoles Nouvelles (Director) / The New Education Fellowship (Member) / International Bureau of Education (Assistant Director) / International New Education Films Association (Vice President) / Lectures and Conferences Dealing with Psychical Research Work (Member of the Executive Committee) / Bureau International des Écoles Nouvelles (Member of a Bureau) / The New Education Fellowship (Vice Chairman) / The New Education Fellowship (Member of a Committee)
A. de Meuron
International Abolitionist Federation (President of the Directive Council)
Ernest Sauvin
European Christian Endeavour Union (Secretary General) / European Christian Endeavour Union (Vice President) / European Christian Endeavour Union (Honorary President)
Ch. Ackermann
International Chamber of Consultants on Transport (Direction)
International Confederation of Students (Secretary)
Prof. Dr. Edouard Claparède
International Conference on Psychotechnics as Applied to Vocational Guidance and the Organisation of Labour (President) / International Pedological Congress (Member) / International Psychological Congress (General Secretary) / Lectures and Conferences Dealing with Psychical Research Work (Member of the Executive Committee) / International Association of Conferences on Psychotechnics (Member of a Committee) / International Bureau of Education (President) / International Psychological Congress (Member of a Committee)
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