International Council of Nurses

International Council of Nurses, Weltbund der Krankenpfleger, Conseil International d'Infirmières, Conseil International des Infirmières, Weltbund der Krankenpflegerinnen
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Founded: 1899
Sources: HB 1921, HB 1923, HB 1925, HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938


Great Council of 4 delegates of each National Council. Executive Committee members of the Bureau and presidents of the national associations, members of the women's international council (HB 1925) The Governing Body consists of: (1) The Grand Council, composed of four delegates from each of the nineteen National Member Associations, the members of the Board of Directors and one nurse representative from each of eleven countries; (2) the Board of Directors, composed of the Presidents of the nineteen National Member Associations, three Honorary Presidents and the following five elected officers. (HB 1929) 1° Le Grand Conseil (se réunit tous les quatre ans à l'occasion des Congrès du Conseil) ; 2° Le Comité directeur (se réunit tous les deux ans). Le Grand Conseil se compose des membres du Comité directeur, de quatre représentantes de chacune des vingt-neuf associations membres du Conseil international, des conseillères de l'organisation et des représentantes nationales associées (actuellement dix pays). Le Comité directeur se compose des présidentes des vingt-neuf associations membres, des présidentes honoraires du Conseil international et des membres du Bureau (élues tous les quatre ans lors des Congrès) : (HB 1936) (1) The Grand Council (meets every fourth year at the Quadriennal Congress); (2) The Board of Directors (meets every second year). The Grand Council is composed of the members of the Board of Directors, four delegates from each of the twenty-nine National Member Associations, the councillors, and a nurse representative from each of the associate countries (at present ten countries). The Board of Directors: is composed of the Presidents of the twenty-nine National Member Associations, the Honorary Presidents, and the Officers (elected every four years at the Congress): (HB 1938)


Relationships with other Organisations

Members in these countries

Austria (since 1936) , Belgium (since 1921) , Brazil (since 1936) , Bulgaria (since 1936) , Canada (since 1921) , China (since 1921) , Cuba (since 1936) , Czechoslovakia (since 1936) , Denmark (since 1921) , Estonia (since 1936) , Finland (since 1921) , France (since 1936) , Germany (since 1921) , Greece (since 1936) , Hungary (since 1936) , Iceland (since 1936) , India (since 1921) , Ireland (1921-1925) , Irish Free State (since 1936) , Italy (1921-1936) , Japan (since 1936) , Netherlands (since 1921) , New Zealand (since 1921) , Norway (since 1921) , Philippines (since 1936) , Poland (since 1936) , South Africa (since 1921) , Sweden (since 1936) , United Kingdom (since 1921) , United States of America (since 1921) , Yugoslavia (since 1936) ,


HB 1923: Entretenir des relation^ entre les infirmières de toutes les nations, accorder des facilités pour établir des échanges entre les hôpitaux internationaux: provoquer des rencontres entre les infirmières du monde entier afin de discuter les questions concernant leur profession et le bien-être, des malades. HB 1925: Relever le niveau des études des infirmières, développer leur cons-science professionnelle et accroître l'utilité publique de cette profession dans le monde entier. Fournir aux infirmières de tous les pays des facilités leur permettant de communiquer entre elles et de se rencontrer pour procéder à des échanges de vues.r pour procéder à des échanges de vues. HB 1929: To raise the standards of education, professional ethics and public usefulness of i*ts members; to develop the human being and citizen in every nurse, to enable her to bring her professional knowledge and skill to the many-sided service that modern society demands of her; to provide a means of communication and afford facilities for the interchange of hospitality between nurses of various countries. Le Conseil international des infirmières soutient le principe de l'autonomie des infirmières réunies en associations, en vue de relever le niveau général de ses membres au point de vue de l'instruction, de la morale professionnelle et des services rendus au public. Le Conseil international des infirmières se propose également le développement complet de l'infirmière comme femme et comme citoyenne, afin de lui permettre d'appliquer ses connaissances professionnelles et ses aptitudes techniques à l'exécution des diverses tâches que lui impose la société moderne. Le Conseil a pour but de servir d'intermédiaire entre les infirmières de différentes nationalités, de leur fournir des occasions de s'entretenir de tout ce qui touche le bien-être des malades et la profession d'infirmière, et de faciliter l'hospitalité internationale par voie d'échanges. (HB 1936) The International Council of Nurses stands for self-government by nurses in their associations, with the aim of raising the standards of education, professional ethics and public usefulness of its members. The International Council of Nurses stands also for that full development of the human being and citizen in every nurse, which shall best enable her to bring her professional knowledge and skill to the many-sided service that modern society demands of her. The Council aims to provide a means of communication between nurses of various nationalities, to provide opportunities for them to confer upon questions relating to the welfare of their patients and their profession, and to afford facilities for the interchange of international hospitality. (HB 1938)


Souscription annuelle des associations nationales d'infirmières. The nineteen National Member Associations pay dues on a per capiia basis. (HB 1929) Les associations membres paient une cotisation sur la base d'une taxe per capita. (HB 1936)


HB 1929: The LC.IS7., published quarterly. Publication officielle : The I. N.R., International Nursing Review (Revue internationale des Infirmières). Autres publications contenant des renseignements sur l'organisation : « The History of the International Council of Nurses », by M. Breay and E. Gordon Fenwick (texte en anglais), les Statuts et Règlements (en anglais, en français ou en allemand), donnent des renseignements exacts et d'intérêt général sur le Conseil international des infirmières. La Commission de formation professionnelle a préparé une publication : « Le programme de l'Ecole d'infirmières», et, après chaque Congrès, le Conseil international publie un compte rendu des rapports présentés. (HB 1936) Official Publication : The I.N.R., International Nursing Review (Revue Internationale des infirmibres). Other Publications containing information regarding the Organisation: "The History of the International Council of Nurses by M. Breay and E. Gordon Fenwick (in English) and "The Constitution and By-Laws " (in English, French and German) give full particulars and information of general interest regarding the International Council of Nurses. The Education Committee has compiled "The Educational Programme of the School of Nursing ". After each Congress, the International Council publishes the Proceedings and Reports. (HB 1938)


Correspondance, bulletin trimestriel, conférences internationales tous les trois ans, bibliothèque internationale. The principal activity of the Council until 1925 was an exchange of ideas by means of international conferences and correspondence. Since 1925. thirteen standing committees composed of nurses from the five continents have been formed to study various branches of nursing in different countries and problems connected with the work of the Council. The headquarters of the Council, established in Geneva in 1925, serves to stimulate international co-operation in nursing and is a centre of information. (HB 1929) Jusqu'en 1925, le Conseil international des infirmières a surtout essayé de favoriser par ses congrès quadriennaux et par la correspondance entre ses membres, un échange d'idées pour l'avancement du statut des infirmières. Depuis 1925, quatorze commissions d'étude ont été nommées, groupant des infirmières des cinq continents. Leur tâche est d'étudier les différentes branches de la profession d'infirmière dans les divers pays et les problèmes concernant l'activité du Conseil international. Le siège central du Conseil, établi à Genève en 1925, a pour but de faciliter la collaboration entre les infirmières du monde et constitue un centre important d'information. Il réunit toute la documentation disponible sur la profession d'infirmière et tient à la disposition des intéressées une bibliothèque professionnelle aussi large que possible. (HB 1936) The principal activity of the International Council of Nurses until 1925 was an exchange of ideas by means of its quadrennial congresses and by correspondence between its members, with a view to improving the- status of nurses. Since 1925, fourteen standing committees, composed of nurses from the five continents, have been set up to study various branches of nursing in different countries and problems connected with the work of the International Council. The Headquarters of the Council established in Geneva in 1925, serve to facilitate collaboration between nurses all over the world and constitute an important centre of information. All available information as to the nursing profession is filed there, and those who are interested may make use of a reference library which is as comprehensive as possible. (HB 1938)
