International Bureau of Societies for the Protection of Animals and Plants and Anti-Vivisection Societies
International Bureau of Societies for the Protection of Animals and Plants and Anti-Vivisection Societies, Bureau International des Sociétés Protectrices des Animaux et des Plantes d'Antivivisection, Bureau International des Fédérations et Sociétés Protectrices des Animaux et d'Antivivisection, International Bureau for the Protection of Animals and Anti-Vivisection Societies.
Founded: 1925
HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938
Board of Management of twenty-four members representing seventeen, countries.
Members in these countries
HB 1936: Fédérations et Sociétés protectrices des pays ci-après:
HB 1938: Federations and societies for the protection of animals in the following countries:
(since 1929)
(since 1938)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1936)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1929)
Kingdom of Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1936)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
United Kingdom
(since 1929)
(since 1936)
HB 1929: To maintain contact between the federations and societies for the protection of animals, etc., and between the various congresses ; to co-ordinate the legislation on the subject in all countries and to have it reviewed by a legal committee (under the direction of the International Bureau).
HB 1936: Assurer aux animaux un traitement conforme aux règles supérieures de la bonté et de l'humanité; étudier et poursuivre la mise en œuvre de toutes mesures d'ordre législatif ou autres pouvant être prises en ce sens; examiner et comparer les procédés employés à cet effet, dans les divers pays, et établir, dans la mesure du possible, entre eux, la concordance souhaitable; susciter, dans les divers pays, le mouvement d'opinion nécessaire à la réalisation de ces buts.
HB 1938: To ensure that animals are treated in accordance with the higher rules of kindness and humanity; to study and promote such legislative and other measures as can be taken in this direction; to examine and compare the methods adopted for this purpose in the various countries, and to bring them into line with one another where this is possible and desirable; to create the necessary public opinion in the various countries for the achievement of these aims.
HB 1929: The income is derived from contributions at the rate of 10 French francs per hundred members of each of the member societies.
HB 1936: Sources de recettes: Cotisations et dons.
HB 1938: Receipts: contributions and donations.
General facts
HB 1929: The Bureau was established after the Paris Congress of 1925, and has since served as a connecting link between the subsequent Congresses at Brussels and Madrid.
HB 1936: Fondé en septembre 1925 à la suite du Congrès international de Paris, a organisé les Congrès de Bruxelles en 1926, de Madrid en 1927, de Vienne en 1929 et de Bruxelles en 1935. Le Congrès de Bruxelles en 1926 a eu pour résultat d'améliorer le traitement des chevaux employés dans les mines en Belgique, en Angleterre et en France. Celui de Madrid en 1927 a pu répandre en Espagne l'idée de la protection des animaux parmi le grand public. Celui de Vienne en 1929 a préparé la loi si complète de protection des animaux décrétée en fin d'année 1933 en Allemagne.
HB 1938: The Bureau was founded in September 1925, after the International Congress held in Paris. It organised congresses in Brussels in 1926, Madrid in 1927, Vienna in 1929 and Brussels in 1935. As a result of the Brussels Congress in 1926, there was an improvement in the treatment of the horses employed in the mines in Belgium, England and France. The Madrid Congress in 1927 introduced the idea of the protection of animals to the public in Spain. The 1929 Vienna Congress drew up the very comprehensive law on the protection of animals which was promulgated in Germany at the end of 1933.
HB 1936: Bulletin rédigé en plusieurs langues.
HB 1938: Bulletin in several languages.
HB 1929: Publications, correspondence, organisation of congresses.
HB 1936: Conférences, consultations, entremises auprès des gouvernements, Congrès périodiques, publications, etc. Liaison entre les fédérations et sociétés.
HB 1938: Lectures, consultations, intervention with Governments, periodical congresses, publications, etc. Liaison between the federations and societies.