Sufi Movement

Sufi Movement, Quartier Général International du Mouvement Sufi, International Headquarters of the Sufi Movement
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Founded: 1923
Sources: HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938


Executive Committee, Comité exécutif


Members in these countries

Branches in the following countries:
Austria (since 1936) , Belgium (since 1929) , Brazil (since 1929) , Denmark (since 1929) , England (1929-1936) , France (since 1929) , Germany (since 1929) , Italy (since 1929) , Netherlands (since 1929) , Norway (since 1929) , Sweden (since 1929) , Switzerland (since 1929) , United Kingdom (since 1936) , United States of America (since 1929) ,


HB 1929: To realise and spread the knowledge of unity, the religion of love and wisdom. To discover the light and power latent in man and to help to bring the East and West close together, etc. HB 1936: Réaliser l'Unité et répandre la connaissance de l'Unité, la religion d'amour et de sagesse; découvrir la lumière et le pouvoir latents dans l'homme; aider au rapprochement des deux pôles opposés, Orient et Occident, etc. HB 1938: To realise and spread the knowledge of Unity, the religion of love and wisdom; to discover the light and power latent in man; to help to bring the East and West close together, etc.


HB 1929: (a) The quota paid by its members ; (b ) the percentage of its own quotas sent by the various national societies to the International Headquarters; (c) voluntary gifts and contributions.

General facts

HB 1929: The Sufi Movement was first introduced into the Western World in 1910 by Inayat Khan, the pioneer exponent of Sufism. HB 1936: Le Mouvement a été fondé par le philosophe mystique Inayat Khan, de l'Inde, né à Baroda en juillet 1882 et mort à Delhi le 5 février 1927. Le Message Sufi a été apporté en Occident par lui en 1910, d'abord en Amérique puis en Europe. HB 1938: The Movement was founded by the mystical philosopher Inayat Khan, born at Baroda in India in July 1882, who passed away at Delhi February 5th, 1927. The Sufi Message was brought by him to the Western world in 1910, first to America and afterwards to Europe.


HB 1936: Les livres d'Inayat Khan, en anglais. Parmi les traductions françaises, on peut citer : « La voie de la révélation » et « Dans un jardin de roses de l'Orient ». Revues : Le Message, périodique trimestriel, publiant l'enseignement d'Inayat Khan; The Sufi, a bi-annual journal of mysticisin. (Dépôt de livres et éditeur : M. A. E. Kluwer, 1o, Polstraat, Deventer, Pays-Bas). HB 1938: The books of Inayat Khan in English. The Way of illumination and In an Eastern Rose Garden. Magazines: The Sufi — A bi-annual journal of Mysticism; Le Message — A quarterly publication on the Teaching of Inayat Khan.


HB 1929: The activities are carried out by (a) The Esoteric School of Inner Culture named " Sufi Order"; (b) The religious movement named " Universal Worship "; (c) The section named " World Brotherhood ". HB 1936: L'Ordre Sufi, l'activité ésotérique, une école d'entraînement individuel dans la connaissance de la Vérité ; l'adoration universelle, l'activité religieuse ; la fraternité universelle; la guérison spirituelle. Un congrès annuel se réunit en automne à Genève. Une école ésotérique a lieu en été pendant trois mois à Suresnes près de Paris; des classes, des services religieux et des conférences sont organisés dans les différents pays. HB 1938: The Sufi Order; Esoteric School of Inner Culture; Universal Worship; religious activity; world brotherhood; spiritual healing. Annual meetings are held in the autumn at Geneva. An Esoteric School is open three months during the summer at Suresnes, near Paris. Classes, religious services and lectures are organised in the different countries.
