International Library and Bibliographical Committee (Provisional)

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Founded: 1927
Sources: HB 1929


Executive Committee. The delegates of Czechoslovakia, France, Germany and Great Britain are also members of the Executive Committee.

Members in these countries

The librarians' associations of the following countries are members of the Committee:
Austria , Belgium , Canada , China , Czechoslovakia , Denmark , Estonia , Finland , France , Germany , Italy , Japan , Latvia , Mexico , Netherlands , Norway , Poland , Sweden , Switzerland , United Kingdom , United States of America ,


  • 15/6/1929-30/6/1929 Rome: Italy Congress took place in Rome (Italy) and Venice (Italy).


To draw up programmes for international library congresses, in conjunction with local committees, and to promote international relations between libraries, librarians' and bibliographers' organisations and other institutions of the kind.

General facts

The Committee was constituted in Edinburgh at the Jubilee of the British Library Association in 1927. A resolution was adopted on September 30th, 1927, setting forth the Committee's object and programme. The Committee's first plenary session was held in Rome in 1928 under the auspices of the Italian Minister of Education. The Executive Committee met in Paris in 1929. The first World Library and Bibliographical Congress was held in Rome and Venice from June 15th to 30th, 1929.
