Institute of Pacific Relations
Institute of Pacific Relations, Institut des Relations Pacifiques
Founded: 1925
HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938
HB 1929: Pacific Council, comprising one member from each National Council and functioning through a Central Secretariat.
HB 1936: Le Conseil pacifique, composé d'un membre de chaque conseil national et qui fonctionne à l'aide d'un Secrétariat central.
HB 1938: Pacific Council, comprising one member from each National Council and functioning through a Secretariat.
Relationships with other Organisations
Members in these countries
National councils in the following countries/Des conseils nationaux en:
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1936)
(since 1929)
Netherland Indies
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
New Zealand
(since 1929)
(since 1936)
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
(since 1936)
United Kingdom
(since 1929)
United States of America
(since 1929)
HB 1929: To study the conditions of the Pacific peoples with a view to the improvement of their mutual relations.
HB 1936: Etudier les conditions de vie des peuples de la région du Pacifique, en vue d'une amélioration de leurs relations.
HB 1938: To study the conditions of life of the Pacific peoples with a view to the
improvement of their mutual relations.
HB 1929: The financing of the Institute of Pacific Relations falls into two divisions: (a) the autonomous national groups are self-supporting through contributions derived from individuals or foundations; (b) international activities, including the support of the Central Secretariat, are provided for through an international budget, secured by contribution from interested individuals or groups.
HB 1936: a) Les groupes nationaux sont autonomes et tirent leurs recettes de fondations ou de donateurs individuels et pourvoient à leurs propres dépenses, b) Un budget international, y compris les frais du Secrétariat central, alimenté par des contributions des pays affiliés; le budget de recherche est fourni par une fondation des Etats-Unis d'Amérique.
Le budget général annuel de l'Institut est de 60.000 dollars, et son budget de recherche de 50.000 dollars.
HB 1938: (a) The national groups are autonomous, obtaining their funds from
individuals or foundations; (b) An international budget, including the expenses of the
central Secretariat, is provided for by contributions from affiliated countries ; the research
budget is provided by a foundation in the United States of America.
The general annual budget of the Institute amounts to 60,000 dollars and its research
budget to 50,000 dollars.
General facts
HB 1929: The first Pacific conference of the Institute took place in Honolulu, Hawaii, in 1925. The Honolulu secretariat was established and appointments to the first Pacific council were made in October of that year. At the second biennial conference, held in Honolulu in 1927, a constitution was adopted, and a programme of Pacific research was evolved.
HB 1936: La première conférence pacifique de l'Institut a eu lieu à Honolulu (Hawaï) eu 1925, et la deuxième à Honolulu en 1927. A cette occasion, les statuts de l'Organisation ont été adoptés ainsi qu'un programme de recherches. Les conférences suivantes ont eu lieu à Kyoto (Japon), 1929; à Chang-Haï (Chine), 1931; à Banff (Canada), 1933. La prochaine aura lieu en Californie en 1936.
HB 1938: The first Pacific Conference of the Institute took place in Honolulu (Hawaii) in 1925, and the second at Honolulu in 1927. On this occasion the statutes of the organisation were adopted together with a programme of research.
Relations with other organisations: Observers from the League of Nations Secre-
tariat, the International Labour Office and the International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation attend the meetings of the Institute of Pacific Relations, held every two or three years.
HB 1929: (a) A monthly journal known as Pacific Affairs, dealing with Pacific problems and phases of development, Institute news, extracts from the Oriental Press and a book review section dealing with the current literature of the Pacific, (b) A fortnightly clip-sheet for the use of periodicals and organisations, under the name of Pacific Data, (c) A pamphlet containing the principal papers of the conferences.
HB 1936: Un périodique intitulé Pacific Affairs et un service de presse intitulé «Pacific Data», série d'études scientifiques ayant servi de base aux discussions des conférences.
HB 1938: A periodical entitled Pacific Affairs and a quarterly periodical
entitled I.P.R. Notes. The Pacific Council and the National Councils publish monographs
and books on the results of scientific studies made by the Institute. A description of these
works will be found in the Institute's catalogue entitled Books on the Pacific.
HB 1929: Stimulation of research into Pacific problems; interchange of information and the publication of studies and research findings when mature, as bases for the consideration and discussion of Pacific problems; application of the conference method to the discussion of these problems through the biennial convening of groups selected by the various national councils. The third conference is scheduled to take place in Kyoto, Japan, in October 1929.
HB 1936: L'Institut s'efforce de provoquer des recherches se rapportant aux problèmes du Pacifique; documentation; échanges de renseignements; publication des études et des résultats des recherches qui serviront de base de discussion aux conférences du Pacifique. L'Institut applique la « méthode de conférence » à la discussion de ces problèmes dans les réunions bisannuelles des groupes élus à cet effet par les conseils nationaux.
HB 1938: Stimulation of research into Pacific problems; documentation; inter-
change of information; publication of studies and research findings when mature, as bases
for discussion at Pacific Conferences; application of the conference method to the dis-
cussion of these problems through the biennial convening of groups selected by the various
national councils.