International Society of Medical Hydrology
International Society of Medical Hydrology, Internationale Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftliche Bäderkunde, Société Internationale d'Hydrologie Médicale
Founded: 9/12/1921
HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938
The Council is composed of one member from each national group, the President and ex-President, honorary secretaries and treasurer, members of the Finance Committee and honorary editorial staff.
(HB 1929)
Un conseil composé de représentants des groupements nationaux (trois représentants pour quarante membres ou plus, deux pour vingt à quarante membres, un pour moins de vingt), des membres du bureau élus par l'Assemblée générale (président, président de séance, deux secrétaires honoraires, trésorier honoraire, secrétaire de rédaction honoraire, secrétaire général) et de membres désignés périodiquement par cooptation comme représentants de certaines branches spéciales.
(HB 1936)
A council composed of representatives of national groups (three representatives for forty members or more, two for twenty to forty members, one for less than twenty), members of the Executive elected by the General Assembly (honorary president, president of the Council, two honorary secretaries, honorary treasurer, assistant treasurer, honorary editorial secretary, general secretary) and members co-opted periodically as representatives of certain special branches.
(HB 1938)
Dr. J. Barnes Burt
Honorary Treasurer (Treasurer)
M.B. W. S. C. Copeman
Honorary Secretary (Secretary)
Lord M.D. Dawson of Penn
: 1928-29
Dr. R. Fortescue Fox
: Membre à vie du Bureau et du Conseil avec le titre de fondateur
(HB 1936)
Life Member of the Bureau and Council with the title of Founder
(HB 1938)
Chairman (President)
: Chairman of Council
: Honorary Editor of Journal.
Honorary Editorial Secretary
: secrétaire de rédaction honoraire pendant douze ans
(HB 1936)
Honorary Editorial Secretary for twelve years
(HB 1938)
Hilda Fox
Assistant Honorary Secretary (Secretary)
Dr. Armin Keller
Honorary Secretary (Secretary)
Dr. G. D. Kersley
Assistant Treasurer (Treasurer)
Dr. E. P. Poulton
Honorary Secretary (Secretary)
President of the Council (President)
Dr. M. B. Ray
Honorary Editorial Secretary
Prof. Alois Strasser
: elected for one year unless re-elected for special reasons
(HB 1938)
Winifrede Thompson
General Secretary (Secretary General)
: Winifrede Tatham Thompson in the HB of 1936/38
Dr. O. Veraguth
: mandat annuel, à moins qu'il ne soit réélu pour des raisons spéciales; pour 1934-35
(HB 1936)
Prof. H. Vogt
: President proposed. for 1937-1938
(HB 1938)
Prof. R. Wybauw
: Président proposé pour 1935-36
(HB 1936)
Relationships with other Organisations
Members in these countries
At present (November 1928) about 470 members, representing thirty countries. Open to qualified individuals in all countries. Eighteen honorary members, from eight countries.
(HB 1929)
Honoraires et ordinaires. Des membres étudiants peuvent être admis; il n'y en a pas à l'heure actuelle. Titres requis : diplôme universitaire, ou équivalent, de médecine ou de sciences naturelles. Membres dans les pays suivants :
(HB 1936)
Honorary and ordinary. Students members are admitted; there are none at present. Qualifications required: University diploma, or equivalent, in medicine or natural science. Members in the following countries:
(HB 1938)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1938)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
New Zealand
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1938)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
Union of South Africa
(since 1936)
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
(since 1936)
United Kingdom
(since 1936)
United States of America
(since 1936)
(since 1936)
United Kingdom
A joint meeting with the "Ligue internationale contre le rhumatisme ", is planned in Great Britain in 1938.
(HB 1938)
(1) To encourage in all countries the clinical and experimental study of medical hydrology and climatology; (2) to form an international union between scientific workers in this branch of medicine; (3) to make better known the scope and nature of waters and baths in the prevention and cure of disease.
(HB 1929)
1° Favoriser dans tous les pays l'étude clinique et expérimentale de l'hydrologie
et de la climatologie médicales; 2° former une union internationale entre les savants spécialisés dans cette branche de la médecine; 30 faire mieux connaître le rôle et la nature des eaux et des bains dans la prévention et la guérison des maladies.
(HB 1936)
(1) To encourage in all countries the clinical and experimental study of medical hydrology and climatology; (2) to form an international union between specialists in this branch of medicine; (3) to make better known the nature and scope of waters and baths in the prevention and cure of disease.
(HB 1938)
Subscriptions of members, which vary from 10s. to £1 1s., according to depreciation of national exchange. Annual expenditure about £400.
(HB 1929)
: 1° Cotisations annuelles au taux de base de 100 francs français. Ces cotisations couvrent l'envoi d'Archives aux membres; 2° Dons à un fonds de développement et de dotation; 30 Publicité et vente d'Archives. Les dépenses annuelles sont d'environ 500 livres sterling.
(HB 1936)
(i) Annual subscriptions at the basic rate of 100 French francs. These cover the despatch of Archives to members; (2) Contributions to a development and endowment fund; (3) Publicity and sale of Archives. The annual expenditure is about
(HB 1938)
General facts
The idea of an international society, linking together hydrologists all over the world, came from Dr. Fortescue Fox, who had become aware of the isolation of workers and of the tendency that each country should become absorbed in its own spas, without knowledge or consideration of the best work going on elsewhere. A series of resolutions were drawn up and approved in July 1921 at the Royal Society of Medicine, London, the Society being actually founded in December with seventy-one active members, eight honorary members and a President. In April 1925, the Society formed an International Committee on Rheumatism in Paris.
(HB 1929)
: La Société a été créée à la suite des propositions faites au cours de 1921 pour établir un lien permanent entre des médecins qui se rencontraient occasionnellement à des congrès et au cours de leurs travaux professionnels.
Des réunions ont eu lieu dans le Royaume-Uni, en Tchécoslovaquie, en Hongrie, en Italie, aux Pays-Bas, au Portugal et en Suisse. On en prévoit en Belgique (1935), en Autriche (1936) et en Allemagne (1937).
Enquêtes spéciales : le Comité, créé en 1925 pour étudier la question du rhumatisme, a été dissous en 1928, au moment de la fondation de la Ligue internationale contre le rhumatisme, fondation qui était le résultat direct de l'activité du Comité.
En 1928-1930, un comité spécial a rédigé des rapports sur les mesures-étalons internationales, les analyses et les classifications des eaux médicinales, rapports qui eurent
pour suite la publication de la partie I de 1* « International Register of Spas and Médicinal Waters ».
Diverses autres enquêtes spéciales, dont le compte rendu paru périodiquement dans Archives, ont été consacrées à l'hydrologie sociale, à la protection des sources minérales et à l'imitation des eaux naturelles.
Un autre comité spécial a rédigé récemment un rapport intitulé « Médical Ethics for Spa Practitioners » (voir Archives de juillet 1935).
(HB 1936)
The Society was formed as the result of proposals made during 1921 to provide a permanent Hyik between medical men who had been meeting at occasional congresses and in the course of their professional work. Meetings have been held in the United Kingdom, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal and Switzerland. A joint meeting with the << Ligue internationale contre le rhumatisme >>, is planned in Great Britain in 1938.
Special enquiries. — The committee set up in 1925 to consider the question of rheumatism was dissolved in 1928, when the ligue internationale contre le rhumatisme was founded, as the direct result of its activities. From 1928 to 1930 a.special committee produced reports on International Standard Measurements, analyses and classifications of medicinal waters, resulting in the publication of " International Register of Spas and Medicinal Waters: Section I . The committee is now engaged in a report on semi-solid bath media or " Peloids " (mud, peat, etc.) for therapeutic use.
Other special enquiries reported on from time to time in the Archives have included Social Hydrology, the Protection of Spas and the Imitation of Natural Waters. Another special committee has reported on "Medical Ethics for Spa Practitioners" (see Archives for July 1935).
(HB 1938)
"Archives of medical Hydrology" (three times a year).
(HB 1929)
Archives of Médical Hydrology (pas de titre officiel dans une langue autre que l'anglais). Publication trimestrielle. Prix de l'abonnement annuel: 15 shillings. La Société a publié également des bibliographies (Suisse, Danemark, Portugal).
«International Register of Spas and Médicinal Waters. Section I». Prix : 1 shilling (anglais), (1930).
(HB 1936)
Official Publications: Archives of Medical Hydrology (no official title in any other language than English). Published quarterly. Annual subscription 155. "International Register of Spas and Medicinal Waters. Section I ".. Price 15. (1930).
The Society has also published bibliographies (Switzerland, Denmark, Portugal).
A dictionary of hydrology has been compiled and will be published in chapters in the Archives.
(HB 1938)
Annual meetings. The meetings of 1929 and 1930 are planned for Hungary and Germany respectively. An annual summary of hydrological literature is made in the archives. The paper is circulated to medical libraries and societies and other learned bodies.
(HB 1929)
a) Publication d'Archives qui comporte un recueil annuel d'extraits, choisis et groupés, d'ouvrages sur l'hydrologie, y compris les travaux sur les bains dé mer, sur les climats, l'hydrothérapie et une partie de la climatologie, ainsi que sur l'hydrologie proprement dite, c'est-à-dire l'usage interne et externe des eaux de source médicinales. Le journal est adressé aux bibliothèques et aux sociétés médicales, etc., ainsi qu'aux membres, et il est mis en vente.
b) Réunions annuelles ou congrès ouverts à tous les membres ainsi qu'aux personnes non membres de la Société sur paiement d'un droit d'inscription.
(HB 1936)
(a) Publication of Archives, which include an annual collection of extracts, selected and classified, of works on hydrology, including studies on sea bathing, climate, hydrotherapy and some aspects of climatology, as well as hydrology proper — i.e., the internal and external use of medicinal spring waters. The publication is sent to libraries and medical associations, etc., as well as to members, and is for sale; (b) Animal meetings or congresses open to all members of the Society, and to non-members interested, on payment of a registration fee.
(HB 1938)